Werewolf of London II

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*Alex's POV*

The three of us ran down the stairs into the tsunami of people. Man, I hate people. "It's blocked off!" Rose said as she rolled her eyes. Well no shit, Rose.

"We're miles from the center. The city must be gridlocked. The whole of London must be closing down." I said to them as I fixed the Doctors jacket, that I was still wearing. I look better in his jacket then he does.

"I know!" The Doctor exclaimed happily. "I can't believe I'm here to see this. This is fantastic!" I raised my eyebrows and rolled my eyes at him. Why the hell is he so happy about this damn crashing? Why does he get so happy over the strangest things?

"Did you know this was gonna happen?" Rose questioned him.

"Nope." The Doctor shrugged in return.

"Do you recognize the ship?" I squinted my eyes at it. I didn't even recognize it and I've seen a lot.

"Nope." Wow, great help, Doctor. Thank you. My hero.

"Do you know why it crashed?" Rose continued.

"Nope!" Rose come on, let's get on with it already the Doctor doesn't know who the ship belongs too. SHUT UP, ROSE. Let's move on with the program.

"Oh we're so glad to have you!" Rose rolled her eyes at the Doctor. Wow, Rose actually said something that doesn't make me wanna pop her head.

"This is what I travel for. To see history happening right in front of us!" The Doctor had such a huge grin on his face. I smiled up at him and went to put my head on his shoulder. 'Alex.' I hate my brain. Almost kissed him ten minutes ago, stay in your lane, brain.

"Let's go and see it then. Never mind the traffic, we've got the Tardis!" Rose said, throwing her hands up. Yeah no.

"We probably shouldn't. They've already got one spaceship in the middle of London, we shouldn't give them another." The Doctor stared down at her. Come on, Rose. I love you and all but literally the whole world is aware of what's going on right now, someone's gonna see a blue box just appear out of nowhere.

"Alex! Beam us there!" Oh fuck you too, bitch. 'Beam us there,' the fuck do I look like?

"Nah, too dangerous. Not tryna get caught by the CIA again." And just for the record, we don't beam, we flash. Ugh no one gets wizard talk right.

"So history's happening and we're stuck here?" Rose's face scrunched up in disgust. Kinda what we just said love.

"Yep. Yes we are." The Doctor nodded.

"Well, we could always do what everyone else does." The Doctor and I turned to Rose. Oh god please don't tell me... "We could watch it on TV."

We went into Roses flat and I groaned loudly as we stood in the foyer. Now it's time to see the stupid bitch that made my werewolf ex boyfriend come back. Yay! So exciting. The Doctor rolled his eyes at me and pulled me more into Roses apartment, "you're so dramatic." I straightened up, well thank you for being late to the party. We're all very aware of how dramatic I am. I pouted at the Doctor and handed him back his jacket.

The Doctor sat down in front of the TV and I stood next to him watching. I crossed my arms, listening to what the newscaster was saying. Something's off about this whole crash. I felt an arm snake around my waist. I looked down as the Doctor pulled me down into his lap. Is this him flirting? I blushed a bit, leaning back against him with my head on his shoulder. That was smooth. You human boys could neva.

The Doctor turned the volume up and we watched intently together. Jackie was inviting all her friends over to see Rose. These people were so damn loud. I sighed loudly, "jesus christ, I hate people." I felt the Doctor's chest vibrating against my back. I couldn't help but blush again.

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