I Wanna Poke Her Brain With A Stick

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*The Doctors POV*

I woke up to a loud bang in the hallway. I turned over, seeing Alex was gone, and I sighed. Oh no. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. The door swung open, revealing Alex carrying a tray that looked bigger than her. She gave me a huge smile, which sort of terrified me a bit, knowing her. "What was that noise?"

Alex put the tray down on her bed, "don't worry about it." She climbed into bed, sitting on her knees like a four year old, "I made you breakfast! And I didn't use any sort of magic!" Alex threw her arms up and I chuckled at her. "If it tastes like shit then I'll use magic to fix it. Try it!" I honestly didn't know what to expect, so I was a bit nervous. I cut into a piece of the french toast, slowly putting it in my mouth. It was surprisingly really good. "Do you like it? Should I have used magic?"

"No sweetheart, it's perfect. Thank you." I kissed her forehead and continued to eat. I split the french toast with her, knowing she's hungry. "What was that loud bang outside?"

"Nothing." Alex tried looking innocent, batting her eyes and giving me a sweet smile. But she knew I didn't buy it for a second, yet still continued to give me that look.

I moved the tray and placed it on the ground, scooping her into my lap, "are you sure that bang was nothing?" I raised my eyebrows at her. She nodded and I shook my head. "Alright." I looked at the ground and then back at her and started tickling her. "How about now? You still think it was nothing?" She tried fighting her way off my lap, but was failing miserably. I loved tickling Alex, she hated it so much. I watched as Alex was trying to reach for her wand and I kicked it off the bed, continuing to tickle her.

"Fine! I dropped the orange juice. Don't worry though, I cleaned it up!" She laughed out.

I shook my head, laughing at her. She better have cleaned it up or the Tardis will be angry with her. "Thank you for breakfast, love." Alex giggled at me and I put my hand on her cheek, making her lean forward. I kissed her gently, feeling her wrap her arms around my neck. I enjoyed kissing Alex, I could do it all day if she'd let me. Her lips fit perfectly with mine and it made my hearts skip a couple beats. I ran my fingers slowly through her long brown hair, pulling her close. She pulled away, nuzzling her face into my chest and wrapping her arms around my torso. "Come on, go get dressed. We have to take pretty boy on a trip today." I rolled my eyes at the thought of bringing him somewhere. Great.

"Be nice to him!" Alex rolled her eyes at me. I got out of her bed and walked to the console, messing around under the gated floor. "Doctor?"

I jumped a bit, not expecting Alex to be ready so fast. She probably did some spell to hurry up. Smart. At least I don't have to wait hours for her to get ready. "Yep?"

"I'm going to the library, love." She stuck her head under the floor, letting her hair hang upside down. Alex looked so cute when she did that.

I leaned forward, "be there in a bit." I kissed her gently. Alex giggled and I heard her leave the console.

I don't really know what I was doing to the Tardis. But every time I messed around with the wires there was always something amazing that I never knew she could do. I hopped out of the floor and started walking to the library. I liked that Alex didn't wander off, that she told me where she was going. The library was just down the hallway and I heard Alex laughing. Her laugh was so contagious. "No, you didn't! You're lying!" I opened the door and saw Alex and Adam laughing hysterically, "you're a liar!" Adam pointed to Alex.

"Technically, yes, I am, but I'm not lying now! I'm dead serious. I made everyone forget him, then turned him invisible!" Alex laughed out.

"What did your parents say?"

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