𝙁𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙎𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙋𝙩-1

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《Wanda Maximoff》

Wanda felt like she had nothing to live for anymore. She lost her family. Her brother. Her boyfriend. Wanda didn't tell anyone she still nightmares of Ultron. She came to the conclusion that she could have PTSD. She could never forget the feeling she felt as every bullet went through her brother.

She was happy to have Clint as a father figure after the whole mess. She missed Pietro a lot. But she recovered when she met Vision. He was kind and understanding of her. Never pushed her. Helped her understand her power more. But once again it came down to the wire.

The fact that she had to kill the love of her life in order for the universe to live was painful for her to bear. But she did it either way. After all the mess she still manage to put on a fake smile so her team would never notice. She still cries every night longing for the presents of her brother or Vision. Flashbacks would hit her when she would go to sleep. Making it hard for her to keep her head straight when she would train with Steve.

Steve was nice and always asked her if she was okay. She would just smile and say she didn't enough sleep or that she got distracted. Steve worried about her a lot. Some days she looked more tired than usual or her skin was paler. But he never wanted to see her upset.

Tony was helpful with her. She eventually became okay friends with each other. But he always recommended things to help her sleep and tips for training. He'd help her out with powers and making her a new suit.

Clint was a father figure to her. She came to him for comfort. When she needed reassurance about joining the Avengers she always went to Clint. Clint was the only person who made her feel wanted and as family. She was deeply touched to find out that he named his son after Pietro. As she occasionally visits his family his children call her Auntie Wanda. Which makes her feel more human than ever.

Sam was like her best friend. They always had each other back when they were on a mission. She would make a force field around Sam when he needed help. Though he would say he had it under control. It really made her feel a part of the team when she would help with something else and he would cover her with his wings. He really was able to understand her when they would talk about literally anything.

Bucky was someone she immediately went to for comfort when Clint or Steve wasn't around. Especially when she had a panic attack or a nightmare. She would go to him in the middle of the night. They would both cuddle together comforting each other. Being with her made Bucky feel more human than ever. They both went through Hydra trauma. She occasionally would visit him when was under ice in Wakanda. She helped him get Hydra out of his head. Although no one could see past the fact that he was a murderer but she could. He really was just a broken person who wanted someone to talk to.

Natasha showed her tough love. Natasha wanted Wanda to get used to being independent and for her strength to be able to one day be a spy like her. Training day with Natasha was something Wanda dreaded. Natasha wouldn't take it easy at all. Punch after punch thrown at Wanda she would get frustrated that she couldn't hurt Natasha the same way. Instead, she would lift her off the floor when she was paying attention and throw her onto the mat. They had a rough start to their friendship but were able to push through and become partners and friends. Natasha went to Wanda when she wanted her to calm her mind down when she had a panic attack. No one knew about them but Wanda and Clint. Natasha got extremely close with Wanda. Closer than expected.

Scott was someone who made Wanda laugh no matter the situation. She was surprised and curious when Scott could literally shrink. She thought it was adorable. She wouldn't even realize that he would shrink and sit her shoulder or something until he said something to her. They got nicknames for each other. He called her little witch and her tiny. She was in awe when she got to meet Cassie. They hit it off well and eventually, Cassie calls her Aunty Witch.

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