Lovely Crime | The Wrath of Darkness |

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Chapter  15

As the both of them reached the dorm, Jennie sat down and was still crying, "Do you wanna talk about it?" Taehyung asked rubbing her back softly as she wets her clothes after wiping her tears off with it, she nodded and gave in... It was something she can't handle keeping, alone... She needed someone to lean on and she's thankful she has Tae... "It all started with my mom having divorce with my dad after finding out that he cheated..." She sighed before continuing "I was left with my Mom, the both of us flew to New Zealand when I was...12? It was my choice, I would rather be with only my mother than be with my father but with another mother that isn't even blood related to me. After a few years, Mom sent me to Korea to take a test for college, I got excited... I met Chaeyoung during the exams, Rosé... We passed the exams, I fixed my papers there before flying back to New Zealand to grab my stuff... And that was it, I studied here but... After a week or two I decided to look for my father because I was insecure to see everyone having a father who supports their children as they grow up, I called my mom asking for his address, when I got there saw him taking care of a boy that was just about 3 years younger than me... He was taking care of him, and when I confronted and asked who he was, it was my brother Kim Eziekel. Earlier, I saw him at the convenience store, it hurts seeing him. Because, I hate him! I hate him! I feel jealous everytime I see him! Why? Because he got to experience how a father and a mother would take care of a child! He gets hugs and kisses from father, he gets to taste his cookings... Me? I had none of that, when I was with my father all he did was work, work, and work, sometimes I even forgot I had a father because I barely see him, and there was my brother showered with all the love and support." She said while wiping her leftover tears...

"Here's a bottle,--"

"Bottle of beer?" Jennie asked, Taehyung laughed as he saw her reaction "It's milk..." Taehyung said, Jennie quickly grabbed it and her mood immediately changed, they both watched the movie enjoying it pretty much especially because it's Frozen II, a very awaited movie... Jennie sat there with her feet on the other couch "By the way, have you heard of Jungkook?" Jennie asked, Taehyung nodded immediately feeling that excitement hearing his name "Yeah, he said he'd be back before the next day, his mom didn't allow him to stay in their house for so long just to mourne, Why?" Tae asked, Jennie nodded "Nothing I just have to prepare myself before this place gets violent again." She joked "You guys still argue?" Tae asked, Jennie nodded "And it'd be a miracle if we don't." She replied sarcastically munching donut in her mouth "you should be friends, there's only 5 months left 'till second year." Taehyung advised, Jennie laughed as if Tae was joking, he looked at her as she laughed and a smile curved up on his thin lips seeing the sight of this girl laughing "You know... You're a good joker, visit the circus sometimes, maybe you'll get a job." She replied, Taehyung's smile turned into a frown, "Yah! I didn't come here to be laughed at! I'm serious... Aish! I regret comforting you." Taehyung replied pointing at her, she punched his arm making him wince "I was joking ya know..." She replied in English with a British accent, Taehyung rolled his eyes as the continue watching the last few minutes of the movie they were watching.

After watching the movies they had a slight story time with each other, it was a long night for the both of them, nothing was in their minds but each other as they talk, there's this moment when everything turned silent and Taehyung looked at Jennie, stared at her eyes and man did she feel a zoo in her stomach "Jen... I should get going..." Taehyung interrupted by checking the time on his wrist watch it's midnight... "Yeah... I'm getting sleepy also, thanks for coming over... I had a fun night spending it with you." She smiled before tip toeing and hugging him, he hugged back before Jennie was the first to pull away, Taehyung smiled at her before grabbing for the door knob, "Goodnight Jen..." Tae cooed with his deepest voice "Goodnight..."  She replied before Taehyung closed the door, Taehyung smiled at the wooden door, at the corner of the hall there stood Kai who had been waiting for him to come out, as he saw him out he sighed and leaned back on the wall thinking he was too late and that he failed...

[⛔] Lovely Crime | The Wrath of Darkness | Discontinued |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin