Lovely Crime | The Wrath of Darkness |

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Chapter 12

After a long period of class everyone was gathered in the gymnasium

"Everyone listen up." Their principal ordered in a calm tone, everyone was well alerted of what happened to the 10 students who was found dead in the club

"I guess we all know what happened last night right? Do we?" Their principal asked

"Yes!" They all said in unison

"All of the victims of that murder were positive in drugs too, and we don't want anymore of those students in this school. So starting now we will take drug tests once a month." By that BTS looked at each other eye to eye but they sure didn't take any drugs, since they use it as bait to their enemy. Is that surreal? A mafia who still haven't used drugs? Well, yes. (at least in this story there are.)

"Nurses will go dorm to dorm and police officers will be checking dorm to dorm, now if we spot one illegal thing in your dorm or anywhere near you. With no hesitatation you'll be kicked out. That's all you may go back to your dorm and expect some officers already be there." Their Principal announced, Jungkook's gazed at IU and she ordered them to go immediately to their dorm and do what they had to do.

Jungkook rushed to his dorm and kept his guns, plans, planners, and every malicious things out before an officer could even arrive.

Jennie was in her room doing her homework and she could hear some crashes from outside which she didn't bother look up and just continued to do her homework instead.


"You two had been reading these books?" The officer asked

"Both of you know that it isn't allowed to read these kinds of books in the campus don't you? Are you two freshmens?" The officer asked annoyed

"Isn't it obvious? But Sir, I did not read those stuff she did!" Jimin yelled pointing at Rosé who was sitting on the bean bag all this time

"Hey! You red haired chipmunk, explain yourself. You have scavenged through my things already, now do hers!" He yelled, the officer shook his head in disappointment and just headed to the lass

"Officer, I didn't know reading books about TeacherXStudent isn't allowed in this school? As far as I'm concerned the books that wasn't allowed in here was just about suicidal, plus this TeacherXStudent book is about a tutor who is only a year older than her, how the hell is that not allowed from this school? And for your information I don't have low standards just for me to date a teacher." Rosé ranted while eating her chips

"Fine Ms. Park, but now we will be scavenging through your things as said by the principal." The officer said, Rosé nodded and stayed at where she was.


Awkward Silence. Clattering sound. Thump.

"This is annoying." Jennie groaned,

"Do you really have to go through all of my stuff in here? I still have lots of homework to do so can you just take it outside?" Jennie asked but the officers didn't budge, she rolled her eyes, grabbed her notebook and notes to do her homework outside instead

After a few minutes they finally went out

"Geez! That took you forever, did you guys go through my closet too? I'm sure you did, anyways I'm glad this is done. Check my roommate's room out." They walked pass her and exited the door, they checked Jungkook's room first before hers, and they found not suspicious, not on Jungkook's watch.

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