Lovely Crime | The Wrath of Darkness |

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Chapter 10

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"The fuck do you want Jeon Jungkook?! I told you, I'm sick of you!" Jennie yelled, It's been a month since that English month occured, Jennie went solo, and Jungkook went Solo, Jennie was placed second while Jungkook was placed first. She was dismayed and disappointed with her self

"I just wanna fucking talk to you!" Jungkook yelled back

"And what?! Tell me how good you were during english month?! Bullshit!" Jennie cursed

"Stop being a Jealous freak, I wasn't going to say anything about that! You know how boring it is to be ghosted by his dormmate." Jungkook said

"Look who's talking." Jennie said and finally opened the door all dressed up, she walked pass by Jungkook but as she did so, her wrist was pulled by him

"Get that hand of yours off of me." Jennie said

"You know what, if your just gonna ghost me through out the year, fucking leave." He cursed again, if you ever want to have a peaceful room, Don't be in the same room with them, because they hate each other

"I am leaving. Didn't you say to not get in each other's way? That's what I'm doing, how come you want to fix things with me now? Now, excuse me I have a date to go to." Jennie said and yanked his hand off.

Jennie went out of the dorm to go to Kai's

She knocked off a deep sigh before knocking on his door

"Kai it's Jennie." Jennie cooed, the door immediately opened wide

"Oi, Jennie-ssi." The man cooed

"Oh, Chanyeol oppa! Didn't know you are in here." Jennie said

"Me and Kai are working on our science project. But, no worries he's already for your date." Chanyeol said

"It must be your first time on a date? You seem very nervous." Chanyeol said

"More nervous than you thought." Jennie chuckled

"Jen! Let's go?" Kai suddenly popped out of nowhere

"Yeah, bye Chanyeol Oppa." Jennie says, Chanyeol waved at them before they disappeared from site


"Kai, how long did you know Chanyeol Oppa?" Jennie asked

"10 years I guess. The day they arrived in school, I was happy that I get to see our whole squad again." Kai said and licked his ice cream

"Really? I didn't really expect them to be that handsome and smart, especially that guy Sehun. What's your squad name?" Jennie asked

"Exo." He replied shortly before wiping napkin on his lips and throwing it in the bin.

"Cool." They were walking in the mall, shopping, eating, and playing in different kinds of arcades


"Jungkook-ssi, I told you do not let them think, that we already know... Stop firing bullets at them. Your going to ruin the plan." Suga scolded Jungkook, after a month, they had been very observant with EXO, their moves, words, even the things about them. But, the war haven't even started, but looks like Jungkook already wants to start it.

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