throw up!

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Stella was tossing and turning before I came. When I wrapped my arms around her, she sighed softly and kept still.

I woke her an hour later, and she was too tired to even joke about getting up.

"I was dreaming about the car crash," she muttered and pulled the covers up to her chin.

I kissed her cheek. "Come, let's get some food, and we can snuggle all evening."

She smiled. "Why don't you have a TV or some resemblance of it?"

"We do," I said, smiling. "But we can't use it, because you might see things you're not supposed to see."

Stella sighed. "Fine!"

I kissed her softly on her lips. "Come, dinner."

Lucinda was picking at her food. She usually enjoyed the Greek bread with meat and vegetables.

I took a bite and chewed slowly. Something... "Lucinda, what spices have you used?" I asked, putting down the fork.

She swallowed.

"It tastes good, that's for sure," Stella said, taking her second bite.

It was a particular taste, it didn't taste like anything I'd ever tasted before. "It tastes remarkably like Ambrosia. Stella stop eating," I said sharply.

Lucinda rose and sprinted out of the kitchen.

I turned to Stella. "Throw up."

"What?" She asked. Though she had dark circles under her eyes, the incredulous look she threw me was enough.

I was apologetic about my method, but she had to get it out of her system. Two fingers down her throat. The vomit splattered unto the floor, Stella tried to push me out of the way, I refused.

When her stomach was empty, I helped her sit down.

"What the fuck are you doing, Hades?" She whispered. She had tears in her eyes and her voice was raw.

I washed my hands and sat down on my knees in front of her, avoiding the puke on the floor. "Stella, the food which binds a mortal to the Underworld is Ambrosia."

Stella blinked. Her blue eyes were wet with tears. Most likely from vomiting, but I wasn't sure.

I brushed a strand of hair off of her face and helped her stand. She pushed me away. "Does that mean I'm dead now?" She asked.

My hands were intertwined behind my neck. "I think you've vomited everything up. So if that's the case nothing has happened and you're not about to die. But it won't be until tomorrow we'll know "

She buckled over, puked on the floor. There was nothing in it. No food.

I held her hair and pulled her back against me when her body stopped heaving.

"I think you're safe," I said against her ear.

She gasped, tears streaming down her face.

I carried her to my bedroom and into the bathroom.

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