Chapter 16 - Wild Card

Start from the beginning

"I know-we paid that lawyer all of that money and it turned out bad," Vince was in deep thought, trying to figure out where he got wrong.

"He was just influenced by the wrong people," Miranda was trying hard to keep her feelings under wrap but she couldn't fake it, a part of her hated Donatello.

"I don't think it's anyone's fault but his own that he took the road that he took. I just thought that because we were in his life-things would have turned out better," Vince said, Donatello's pride taking blows from them both.

"People say it's poor parenting and it's true-but not on our end," Miranda said.

Donatello bumped Becky's arm and slowly Becky opened her purse, pretending to search for something. Donatello blinked long and sighed, pulling the pistol from his holster, "Hands up and this will be all over soon," he told them.

Miranda and Vince immediately put their hands up and Miranda hissed, "I expected this. The money is in the safe,"

"I don't want your money-just cooperation. Now I know you have a smart mouth Mrs. Wellington and I don't want to hurt you but you're tempting me," Donatello approached them. Becky took the duct tape out and cut it with her teeth.

Slim, Carol Anne and Cammie were still waiting in the car, "Are you guys really playing a children's game at this time?" Carol Anne asked.

"You're mad because you lost," Slim said, "Am I a robot?" Slim asked Cammie.

"You asked that already. You're guesses are up. You were the tin man," she told him and Slim's phone rang.

"You ready?" Slim asked.

"Yeah, Becky had to knock Miranda out though. She was being too loud," Donatello said as he was holding Miranda and Becky led Vince down the stairs. When they were all in the van, Slim drove off, trying not to make a speedy exit.


"Thanks man," Slim said as he thanked a longtime friend in his old hood who let them borrow his garage.

"No problem but-" he put his hand out and Slim gave him the money he promised.

"Tie them up to these chairs," Becky ordered and Donatello began to do so but put them back to back.

"No I want them facing each other-" Becky looked at them both and smirked, "-so big mouth can see how helpless her husband is,"

"You guys want us to stay in here?" Slim asked as he came inside.

'No, we're fine," Becky touched Vince's shoulders.

Slim and Donatello were going outside, heading to the van when Slim stopped him, "How do you know they won't call the cops?"

"Carol Anne has something on him," Donatello said as Carol Anne took a camera and tripod out of the back seat and headed to the garage, closing the door.

Once they were all inside, Carol Anne took the folder out of her bag and they started recording.

"Do you guys have anywhere to be?" Becky asked and pulled off Miranda's duct tape. Miranda immediately spit in Becky's face and Becky wiped it off with her forearm, not hesitating to back hand her, smirking afterwards.

"We're not going to torture them right?" Carol Anne asked.

"Of course not-Victor just has to think that is what is going on,' Cammie said.

"I'm going to ask again. Do you guys have anywhere to be?" Becky repeated herself.

"The Wild Card Casino at 7 with friends," Vince answered after Becky took his duct tape off.

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