Chapter 39: Corona & Cocoa Mix

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"This wing is closed off," Slim was greeted by the double doors in the hospital by two men that he knew were a part of Don's entourage. Middle aged Ecuadorian men. Hand me down guards from his dad.

Slim probably didn't look like himself. He usually showers as soon as he gets up but he stayed in bed all instead, getting up to brush his teeth and head to the hospital to see Don after Quincy texted him.

"It's me. Carlito," he told them lowly.

The two men looked at each other and moved to the side to allow him in. The hallways and rooms were empty except for few of Diablo's men scattered about. Most of them were speaking in Spanish about a bet they placed on horses and others about things in their lives that meant little to nothing to Slim.

Slim made his way to what could only be Donatello's room and opened the door, meeting Donatello's pale body lying on the bed watching television.

"I hate watching tv," Donatello's voice was raspy.

"Fuck are you talking about tv for. You almost died," Slim pulled a chair over to the bed and sat down.

"Shit was scary," Donatello tried to chuckle.

Don's eyes were deep sunken, his skin tired and white and his hair looked oily, "Are you trying to die?"

"Not actively,"

"Don't try to be smart. Doing cocaine is actively trying to die," Slim huffed, "-we don't do what we sell man. You know that."

Donatello paused for a minute and then looked at Slim, "I knew that cocaine could kill you but I didn't know what exactly could happen," he looked away, "-doc told me I went into cardiac arrest and at the rate I'm going I could be dead in a few years."

"Doesn't that make you want to stop?"

"I'll be dead in a few years anyway," he shrugged, "-we have a lot to talk about."

"More important than this?"

"Yeah it's about us. Vic called me,"

Sim froze. The last time they mentioned Victor Wellington, they drained his money from his offshore banks and Becky shot his girlfriend Zoelle in the abdomen after she drugged Kash. They were foolish to think that he had been taken care of.

"What did he say?"

"Says he knows about his money and that Kash is an op,"

"He's not an op. He's just protecting himself," Slim defended.

"He's making sure that Drag Ex points back at Victor to cover his own ass," Donatello reminded him.

"Look at all you've done to save your own ass," Slim reminded him, "-what else did he say?"

"He wants to meet Kash," Donatello smiled, "-CDV is still very much in motion."

It's been a week and Kash and Cammie haven't talked much other than deciding who is picking up the kids or what's for dinner. Even though Cammie would get the kids after work and Kash would cook, they asked everyday, falling into a routine.

Late on Friday night, Cammie sat on the living room couch with her laptop. After finalizing her card information and checking out, she managed to buy some shoes for the kids and a book for herself. She heard Kash coming down the stairs but she drowned out his footsteps as she typed in wigs into the search bar.

A few images popped up, but they resembled costume wigs.

"It's late," Kash told her as he walked through the living room and went into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator door.

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