Chapter 40: Tigertail

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Due to habit, Cammie woke up around 6 in the morning. The room was dark and blurry due to the fact that he glasses weren't on. She looked to her left for Kash but he wasn't in bed and immediately reached under her pillow for her glasses. When they didn't turn up in their usual spot, she reached under Kash's pillow feeling around but she didn't feel them under there either.

"What in the world?" she sat up and reached over to turn the lamp on the nightstand on. The light revealed her glasses, placed on top of a piece of paper.

'Over here' Kash wrote on the paper, she read after she put her glasses on. She picked the paper up and unfolded it. The rest of the note read: I had to run out. You and the kids get ready by 9:30

Cammie folded the paper and stretched. She hasn't heard from London, so maybe that's what he was taking care of. That or something regarding the intercepted shipments.

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she went downstairs to move her laptop before the kids woke up. Sometimes they jump onto the couch and sit on it without realizing. She was reading two books at once. When she was in bed, before she would sleep she read about a middle aged man trying to turn his life around before his son passes and the other that she kept in the kitchen and often brought outside with her was a romance novel. 700 pages of a couple who lived long distance and met up once a month for one day to see each other. It fascinated her that two people could keep such a strong bond despite being so far away.

She made tea for herself, taking a gummy vitamin that was specifically for energy. She bought vitamins for everyone. The kids were excited about them, her and Kash forgot sometimes.

Cammie sat at the dining room table and opened her book, picking up where she left off. As he read, she waited for Rubin to wake up because he was a light sleeper.

Becky pulled the covers up to London's neck and he swallowed. All morning she tried to get him to sleep but as Kash arrived, he started to drift.

Becky wiped her eyes and left London's room. She approached Kash who let himself in and walked in slowly.

Becky folded her arms and rolled her lips together as she walked up to him, "Why'd you wait so long to call?" he asked her as he watched her. He wasn't sure if she wanted to be embraced or not. She stood oddly close and didn't make eye contact but her body was restless.

"Anything alarming?" he asked her as he put one arm around her shoulder and pulled her gently, "-it's alright." He tried to assure her. He needed answers so he didn't squeeze her because if she's anything like Cammie, one squeeze would make her cry.

"He has stitches around his head," she whispered and stepped back, "-whatever was done it's almost like they pulled his scalp back." She stopped herself.

Kash looked at the doorway at London lying in the bed. He felt nervous even though all that he had done in his life prepared him for any sight that he might see but this was his friend.

Kash walked into the room and stood by the bottom of the bed, "Not looking so hot, dude," Kash mocked him.

London tried to laugh instead it sounded like a heavy exhale, "So not hot. Definitely not looking my sexiest,"

Kash smiled and walked closer, squinting to try and ease himself into London's appearance. His pale skin and blue sunken eyes stood out as well as the blond buzz cut. Kash looked at the stitches on the circumference of his head.

"What happened to you? Where did you go?"

"I can't remember anything," London tilted his head and groaned, "-all I remember are loud noises and lights and being in pain."

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