‘No’ I cried.

‘Let go’ she sobbed ‘Please, Draco. You can’t stop me now’

I took a deep breath and dropped her wrist which fell to her side. She took one last look at me and walked out.

I felt like I had just been punched in the gut 100 times consistently. I dropped to the ground and broke down into proper tears. I felt like she had just crushed my heart from her words.

Pandora POV

I was at the wand point of Voldemort, I wiped away my tears and drew out my wand quickly and screamed ‘crucio’ I caught him off guard.

He gasped as the red light hit his chest but nothing else happened.

‘Who would have thought my child, my own flesh and blood cannot even produce a strong Cruciartis curse. It sickens me that you choose love over power’

‘Pandora’ I heard Tonks cry from behind me.

‘Get back, I got this.’ I shouted at her, not taking my eyes off Voldemort, his eyes flamed red.

‘I don’t want to kill you Pandora, you are useful to me’ Voldemort said.

‘You can’t kill me, I won’t let you’ I said bitterly. Swishing my wand and firing another curse at him I jumped back to grab Tonks and disapparated to the first place that came into my head.

We landed on a wet surface. I looked down to see we were both standing in a pond.

‘That was lucky’ I sighed.

‘Where?- the burrow?’ Tonks said with a smile growing on her face.

‘I thought of Fred’ I said feeling guilty.

‘Pandora, you didn’t have to come. You know you could-‘

‘No I had to, and I want to’ I said starting to tremble.

‘Oh Pandora you’re shaking’ Tonks gasped, taking my hands and steadying them. I was shaking violently, not because the snow and Icy cold water at my feet but because I was petrified of what everyone would think especially Fred.

‘Don’t worry, they knew you were going to come back at some point but they weren’t sure when. I doubt they would have expected you so soon’ she said in a comforting tone. She smiled faintly and we made our way to the door.

Tonks knocked 4 times.

‘Who is it?’ Mrs Weasley’s voice called.

‘It’s me, and I have a few surprises with me too’ she called to Mrs Weasley. The door opened a few inches and Mrs Weasley peered around to see us. Her eyes widened.

‘Blimey’ she muttered and opened the door wider. ‘Arthur, come quickly now!’ she shouted behind her shoulder.

Footsteps hurried from behind her and Mrs Weasley appeared next to her. His eyes widened too.

‘Hello Pandora’ he said in a happy tone ‘I thought I heard Tonks say she had a few surprises?’ he asked.

Tonks nodded ‘yes I have’ she said with a wide grin making its way across her face. Mrs Weasley gestured for us to step in, so we did.

‘I’m pregnant and so is Pandora’ she said happily.

Mrs Weasley’s expression froze on flat shock ‘b-but you got rid of it’ she whispered.

‘No, I thought I did but I didn’t work’ I corrected her.

‘Muuuum?’ Ginny’s voice called as she entered the room. She saw me and stopped. She stood rigid her cheeks blazing red and her eyebrows growing close together. ‘What is she doing here? She tried to kill Harry. Twisted bitter ev-’ he voice cut of as she saw me slowly trying to cover my rounding stomach.

‘Dad!’ two very familiar voices called.

Two red headed identical twins walked in and stopped either side of Ginny. At first they didn’t notice me hiding behind Tonks.

Ginny shook her head in disbelief ‘first you try kill us-‘

‘Shut up Ginny’ Fred snapped as a tear fell down my cheek onto my shoe making a drip sound.

‘C’mon Molly, Arthur, Ginny and George let’s go see Ron’ Tonks said and they all did so.

Once they had gone up to the third floor I lowered my head to look at my feet. I didn’t hear Fred approach me but a hand entwined with mine and put his hand under my chin and lifted it. We made eye contact but I diverted my gaze to a pot boiling on the stove.

‘Pandora, thank you’ Fred said in a whisper.

I looked at him feeling utterly confused. ‘Thank you for what?’ I asked.

‘For coming back, for being the real you, for choosing well’ He answered.

‘We can’t be together Fred’ I said which brought back the guilt.

He stayed silent staring into my eyes, I felt all the feelings for him I had for Draco but stronger, much stronger. ‘For some reason I don’t believe you’ he said with a smile growing on his face.

‘C’Mon let’s go see Luna’ he said grabbing my hand.

‘But she hates me’ I said, and Fred shook his head.

‘No she doesn’t, you’ll see’ he said.

Before I could interject I was pulled through a tight pipe with no air in it.

My feet landed on a snowy hill top with a crooked, different looking house close by. He pulled me along a gravel path leading to the house and he knocked on the door.

A moment later the door opened revealing a blond haired girl who was wearing a smile ‘Pandora’ she gasped and wrapped her arms around me, causing my left arm to burn because she was pressing against it.

‘Hey Luna’ Fred said.

‘Hello Fred, Pandora’ she said pulling away from the hug and smiling graciously at me.

‘Why are you smiling at me?’ I asked quite rudely ‘sorry I don’t mean it in a horrible way but I thought you didn’t like me’ I said apologetically.

‘Hate? Never hate, I admired you courage to be put under presser by you-know-who and attempt to kill. We all knew you couldn’t and wouldn’t because you have a heart’ she said keeping a smile stuck on her face.

‘Oh, right. Um...thanks?’ I said warily.

‘Professor Dumbledore should be here any moment he said he wants to have a chat. I wonder what about’ Luna said looking up at the sky.

‘I think I better go-‘

‘Oh please don’t’ Luna pleaded ‘you only just got here and daddy’s making-‘

Her voice was interrupted by a loud crack behind us. I closed my eyes tight hoping that Dumbledore wouldn’t be there when I turned round.

I opened my eyes and turned to see him walking towards us with a smile on his face. I release a small smile because I felt no hate only the teeniest bit of fear.

‘Hello Professor Dumbledore’ Luna said cheerfully.

‘Hello Miss Lovegood’ he said politely.  

‘Miss riddle how... nice to see you’ he said nodding.

I did a small nod in return.

‘Miss Lovegood please could I have a quick chat inside?’ Dumbledore asked.

‘Oh course’ she answered and led us all inside.

We all sat down in what seemed to be the living room which had a loud printer printing copies of The Quibbler.

‘So Luna how would you feel to move to Gryffindor? And you too Pandora?’ Dumbledore asked.


Yaaay another upload :D

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