He's a real boy!

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~Jung Chung-Ja's POV~

"JK. Hey! Wake up!" I whisper yelled while spanking the sleeping boy's bum repeatedly, creating a loud smacking noise and he groaned in annoyance.

"I will not cook you pancakes." Jungkook rasped out in a groggy voice and pushed my shoulder, making me lose my balance, then he laid his head back on his pillow.

I was ready to pounce on him and beat him up, but I held in my urges and licked my finger, then stuck it in his ear, but no response.

'Yup, this kid definitely grew up with an older sister. He's too unbothered.'

"Wake up, coconut head! It's an emergency!" He finally sat up and peeked at me from one eye while keeping the other closed like some kind of sleeping dead.

"What?" The young boy whines and pouts his lips cutely.

"Nara met a guy sometime back and now she's going out with him-"

"Great for her. She finally remembered to get his number." Jungkook let out a raspy chuckle while trying to untangle the mess of hair on his head.

"I know, right? Anyways, the man is in his twenties and only just got an Instagram account!" Jungkook gave me a 'so what?' look and sighed.

"Waaaaiiiiittttt! Aaannnndddd there are absolutely no pictures of him. Just his work and clients." I ranted on and glanced back at him to find that he'd once again collapsed on the couch face forward.

"Hey fucker, wake up! We got a job to do." I kicked his butt hard, but he didn't budge.

"What're we talking about?" Jungkook queried from under the pillow and I groaned. I lifted him up by his shirt collar and dragged him to the washroom.

"Today were gonna be spies." I whispered despite it only being us two in the house.

"For who?" Jesus, was this boy lost.

"Me. I want to see who this dude is. He's hot, but is he nice to Nara? That's the thing I need to be sure of..." Jungkook looked down at me with a confused look on his face.

"Dude? I'm lost-"

I pinched the bridge of my nose and inhaled harshly.


~Kim Taehyung's POV~

"Girl? I'm lost- Park Jimin, the man who hasn't really dated in what? One... TWO years? Our Jimin?!" I nodded enthusiastically after buckling Yeontan in the stroller that I brought specially for this mission. Jin clapped like a seal, but froze- shaking away all of the joy that covered his face and replaced it with a scary serious look.

"Is she good or bad news? I don't wanna have to sick Sellie on another person." Jin says and visibly shuddered at the thought.

"If she were any good news, I wouldn't be dragging you out to spy on them, now would I?" I raised my brow, he nodded, kicking at one of Yeontan's play thingies by his feet.

"You right, you right. When and where do they plan on meeting up at?" Jin questioned and I eyed the notes on my phone, then back to him.

"Jimin's favorite book store. Let's get there before he does." Jin tilted his head to the side and pointed at me.

"Why didn't he tell me anything, but told you?" Jin asked me, looking a tad bit offended.

"Ah, he didn't tell me. He's been acting way too giddy these past few days, so I took the liberty of typing up my own search warrant, printed it out, then searched through his phone and saw the text from Nara. She was asking him for the directions to the book store last night." I answer while examining my dog swaddled in baby blankets, then decided to pull down the sun visor to completely cover him from the nosey oldies.

Mr. Cinderella|PJM|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें