Autumn Leaves

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(One month later)

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(One month later)

~Park Jimin's POV~

I hummed along to the chorus of the song that played in my ear as I peered through the view finder of my camera, and snapped pictures of the park and its bright, sunset hued leaves that fluttered through the breeze and littered the streets.

I was so lost within the lyrics of the song that played in my ears and so focused on capturing the beautiful sight of the leaves blowing, I was caught off guard by the sight of the woman who helped me up in the ice cream parlour one month ago.

"Oh, Nara..." I gasped deeply and lowered the camera to realize that I was very much close in proximity to her.

'Oh fuck.'

"Yeah, that's my name, don't wear it out, son

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"Yeah, that's my name, don't wear it out, son." Nara says in a monotone voice and slowly turned to look at me with a stone expression, but that was instantly wiped away when we made eye contact.

"Cutie pie, Jimin." She waved at me cutely, then threw the maroon and gold leaves that were clasped in her tiny hands, allowing them to fly away in the cool breeze.

I couldn't help but blush at hearing her nickname for me.

"Nice camera. Is photography your hobby or profession?" Nara questioned and took a step closer to inspect the device that I held tightly in my fingers.

"At first it was one out o-of a few hobbies I took up to relieve me of my boredom as a teen with my friend. It stuck with me up until university, so I decided to pursue this as a profession. I normally photograph my friend Taehyung, and help direct some fashion ads." Nara nodded at my response, then looked me up and down, taking me in- making me more  nervous than I already am.

"Interesting. May I see some of your work?" I must've looked really surprised, because Nara giggled like a cartoon character in the backside of her hand, making me laugh along with her just by how crazy she sounds.

"Sure." With my permission, Nara plopped down in the grass and looked up at me in excitement while lightly patting the pile of vibrantly colored leaves beside her- which might I add, matched her sweater- signalling for me to sit, and I did just exactly that without so much as a second thought.

I turned my camera back on and went into my gallery revealing the last picture taken, which was Nara that I'd taken accidentally.

'Oh my god, this is it! I blew my chances!'

"Sorry, I-I took that on accident! I'll delete it." I spat out in a panic to assure her that I wasn't some creepy stalker, and pushed the trash button. A sign popped up asking if I was sure that I wanted to delete it- and I was more than certain, but Nara placed a hand over my finger that hovered the confirmation.

"Jimin, wait. Lemme see." Nara whispered and took the camera away from my now sweaty grasp.

"This is a very pretty picture even though the leaf somehow got stuck to my big mouth, and despite the fact that I'm having a bad hair day. You somehow made my ugly and odd situation appear to be beautiful." Nara beamed as she studied the picture.

I was so entranced by her bafflingly beautiful coffee eyes, I almost forgot to reply.

'Get it together, sweetie! You were doin' just fine...' I think to myself, and take a breath, but that didn't calm my wild heart.

"This scene only looks beautiful because of you who looks beautiful no matter what you do, Nara. You aren't labeled as Korea's beautiful woman for nothing. It was all you." I say honestly and then quickly clasped a clammy palm over my mouth.

Now it was Nara's turn to blush.

"Shit, now you got me blushing." Nara states the obvious, and tilted her head cutely to the left- showcasing a small dimple that gave me the urge to poke it.

"Er.. wanna see my favorite picture?"

"Sure, but I'm hungry. How about you show me while we wait for French fries and burgers?" Nara questions and stood up, offering me a hand up, and I nodded enthusiastically as she lead me to her favorite restaurant- smiling.

This was only my second time meeting Min Nara, but I was more than certain that her smile was my favorite part of her externally. It even rivaled the beauty of autumn.

'Please keep on smiling.'

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