Block your forehead

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Warm bursts of wind hit the slumbering Nara's face, confusing her to the core, but she opted to ignore it for more sleep.

But that wasn't what heaven had planned for her.

Nara groaned and moved her hands to feel for the source and her finger tips fluttered across something warm, pillowly, and fleshy. Her eyes shot open, and instantly went cross eyed when she stared straight into Jimin's sleeping face.

"Oh?" She gasped and cupped his cheek. The slumbering beauty. stirred gently, nuzzled into the warmth of Nara's palm, and pulled her body closer to his.

Nara didn't know why, but she wrapped her arms around his waist, then stuffed her face into his chest- taking in how Jimin smelt of a combination of marshmallows- since he tended to carry around marshmallows in a tiny zip lock bag, alcohol, and faintly of the green tea cologne he wore on his collar.

Nara hummed, feeling a sense of calm overcome her until someone literally kicked the door open, sending a gust of wind over herself and Jimin, who sat up alert and ready to fight.

Taehyung and Jungkook ran into the room and baracaded the door with worried looks on their faces.

"Jimin, I'm sorry ahead of time." Jungkook said with a sad face, tying up his long hair.

"Why?! Why are you sorry?!" He queried sleepily in a thick Busan accent while circling the carpet he previously on- looking at their surroundings in full panic mode.

"Min Yoongi, might kick your ass."  Jungkook explained and Nara choked off of air.

"What? Why? Which one of you told him? We didn't do anything!" Nara pointed between Taehyung and Jungkook, and they both pointed back at her.

"You! You posted a series of insta stories and Twitter posts during our outing last night." Taehyung shouted loudly when a loud boom shook the door.

"Yea, and I'm here to kill your nerd boy, little sister!" Yoongi shouted from behind the door and Nara face palmed, then grasped Jimin's shoulders.

"Chim, it's probably best if you block your forehead and throat, okay?" She said with a very serious look on her face and he didn't like that one bit.

"Maybe I should leave." Jimin orated trying to quickly turn and make a run for the window, but Nara and Taehyung grabbed him and dragged him to the closet by the loops of his pants.

"Too late now. His guard dog and hit man are waiting at the window." Nara informed, pointing at Namjoon sitting in the tree with Min Holly happily at the bottom.

"WHAT?! Hey man, I swear on my left baby toe that we did nothing!" Jimin made known with a pleading look on his face, but Joon wasn't having it.

His big honey colored hands went up to his neck in a 'slitting your neck' gesture.

"This ain't right!" Jimin huffed and squinted at Nara, who smiled sheepishly.


~Yoongi's POV~

Forty five minutes straight of physical activity got me tired of ramming into the door with my precious body that was most definitely bruising, so I opted for a meat mallet to beat a hole big enough for me to get through.

Yeah, I know. This'll take forever, but I got time.

"Ooohhh~ I'm about to whoop somebody's ass~  Ooohhh, I'm about to whoop somebody's asssss!" I sang off key while pounding a giant hole in the door.

"Yoonie, quit!" Nara shouted and kicked the door.

"No! Why are you hanging with boys?"

"Why are you hanging with girls?" She shot back.

"EYE- Shut your face!"

"Hello, this is Jeon Jungkook, Min Nara's temporary assistant. I'm calling to inform you that we're in a bit of a pickle and will need to reschedule our appointment for tomorrow." I overheard Jungkook inform whoever she was supposed to be meeting in his most professional voice that he could muster up and I couldn't help but laugh at this, because 99 percent of the time, he was goofing around.

"He- ha! Pickle..." I laughed at the word he used and ceased to impail the door.

They all took the chance to charge out the door with Nara's mattress as a barricade, and knocked me over.

My eyes went to my intended target who's bubble butt was running away hand and hand with. my. sister.

"NOOOOOO! NARA! REMEMBER BOYS HAVE COOTIES!" I cried and chased him out the door.

Jimin ran down the halls and headed for the stairwell in a sprint, leading me on his tail- and I honestly don't think I've ever ran this fast in my life, but this was worth it.

There's rumors all over the place that he's her new boy toy.

I ain't having that.

I huffed and puffed as I barely managed to grab his collar. He let out a yelp and threw his legs over the railing, falling down a floor down like a pro hero or something.

"Please dude! I'm not trying anything! We're just friends, I swear on my left baby toe!" Jimin whimpered and I just had to roll my eyes.

"wErE JUst FrIEnDS!" I mimicked and watched him jerk in pain from my shoe coming in contact with his back, then run for the exit.

"SOMEONE STOP THAT HORN DOG!" I hollered and pointed at the weasel who used some poor lobby person as a living shield.

"NO! SOMEONE STOP THAT TINY NUT JOB GRANDPA!" He retorts and holds a umbrella up as a sword, practically challenging me to fight, so I picked one up too.

"Bring it on bitch!" I taunted him, then charged.

"Bring it on bitch!" I taunted him, then charged

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