Mint chocolate

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"Taehyung, pose near this mural." Park Jimin told his best friend while pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his button nose with his index digit.

"Ooohh, smart guy." Taehyung says and does his signature V pose.

"Good! Good! Now turn around and look back at me, then into the camera." The raven haired photographer guided.

"Like this?" The blue haired man raised his eyebrows and looked over his right.

"No, from your left. I've taken notice that it suits you." Jimin said and lifted Taehyung's perfectly manicured fingers in a little heart.

Jimin smiled and held a thumbs up before raising the camera to his eye and clicked a couple of times.

"Perfect as expected from a perfect man." Jimin mumbles to himself as he halfway listened to Taehyung speak his head off as usual.

"Jimin? Did you hear me?" Taehyung questioned and that's when Jimin snapped out of his thoughts.

"I'm sorry what?"

"Do you wanna go get some ice cream?"

"Sure, why not? Race ya! Last one there pays!" Jimin shouted behind him as his legs broke into a sprint down the sidewalk, dodging people, then halted to a stop as the red light counted down for the crossing people.

"Ooohhh, I want a big ice cream cone filled with a shit ton of flavors!" Taehyung says and licked his lips teasingly with closed eyes as the light signaled green for them to cross.

"Oh, you will be getting that ice cream... but I ain't paying!" Jimin cackled as he dipped out of Taehyung's sight and down the sidewalk.

Swinging open the parlour door, Jimin broke into a celebratory dance, catching the eyes of other customers and employees, sending them into laughter as he always did since he was a regular customer there.

"I WIN! I WI- oOf!" Jimin cheered in celebration, making a move to the waiting line but slipped at the feet of a woman, who physically flinched at the series of events.

A synchronized gasp of panic filled the air, bringing the woman back to her senses.

"Oh, damn... Are you okay?" The  woman crouched over Jimin, who was spread eagle on the cold floor and tapped his shoulder in concern.

"Oh pffft!" Jimin's cute bubbly giggles broke out, imparing his vision as he fought for a breath of air. "I'm fine! I always fall." Jimin chuckled in embarrassment and squinted around the floor for his glasses that flew off somewhere during the fall.

"Looking for these?" The woman asked in a whisper that only Jimin heard while gently cleaning off the lenses with the sleeve of her sweater. She brushed back the incredibly long bangs that hung in Jimin's wide brown eyes, then gently placing them back in their rightful place behind his ears dressed in blue flower earrings, and over the apples of his pink cheeks, gifting him the ability to see the bright toothy smile on her face.

Rendered a blushing mess and a owner of a heart that went rampant within his ribs, Jimin felt as if everything else around him went still when he made eye contact with the beautiful cocoa eyes sprinkled with gold, belonging to the woman who scanned him up and down with worry.

Mr. Cinderella|PJM|Where stories live. Discover now