Animated Laughter

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Nara downed two large trays of French fries, one double decker beef burger, and drank half of her orange soda all in one sitting, meanwhile, I barely took two bites of my own damn meal because of the state of shock I was in.

This girl likes to eat and I'm here for it.

"Are you full?" Nara asked as she cleaned her fingers with her napkin and then took another huge sip from her cardboard straw.

God, did I hate these straws...

"N-no, sorry." I stutter then hastily took another bite of my own burger and eyed her as she continued to gracefully stuff the rest of her unsalted fries in her mouth.

"I can sense you silently judging me, but I'm hungry. I'm supposed to be on a diet, but fuck diets." Nara cursed boldly while poking her straw in and out of its designated hole to mix the drink with the melting ice.

"I'm not judging you Nara, it's just that you're so tiny, yet you can consume so much." We both chuckle and she leans toward on the table slightly.

"Wanna know a secret?" I nod and she holds back a smile with the back of her hand.

"I used to compete in food eating contests and never lost to anyone, and despite how much I just ate, I still have room for more."

"Waaahhh! You should be in the Guinness book of world records!" Nara snorted and fell out of her seat, but popped up all in less than two seconds later, playfully squinting her eyes at me.

"Stop making me laugh! We might get thrown out!" Nara whisper yells at me and slid down in her chair so no one could label her as the culprit of the odd laughter.

"No, never! You sound like a cartoon." I say, pointing the longest French fry in my tray at her only to have it swiped from my grasp and it thrown in her mouth faster than a speeding bullet.

"HEY!!" Nara smiled a mischievous smile and I flicked her forehead playfully.

"Buy your own fries!" I retort and she leans back in her seat.

"But I brought these..."

"EYE-" Nara stuck one of her fries in my mouth as compensation, then leaned back in her seat with a heavy sigh, patting her stomach.

"I honestly wish that I could eat to my fullest desires, but I have to lay off and continue on with my diet. Models should be skinny like a whisk and petite as a doll and at the moment, I fit none of those requirements. Don't tell my trainer." Nara smiles, but I frown. If she got any skinner, she'd be nothing but skin and bones.

Why does the fashion industry feed society such unhealthy images to people?

Why do we call these models beautiful if they can't show them true selves?

I kept my thoughts to myself and began stacking up our now empty trays.

"Always remember when something is delicious, it's zero calories." I quoted something my friend, Jin, had told me some years ago, and with that I emptied the trays in the rubbish bin, catching her unique laughter floating through the restaurant.

'How could a stranger's laughter bring me so much joy?'

"Jimin, I will definitely remember that. Thank you." Nara says as she sets the money and a tip on the table.

"Nara, let me pay for it." I say and try to push away her hand. Nara grabs my hand that reached into my coat pocket, rendering us a tangled mess.

"My treat." She said with an intimidating expression.

"Er-I...okie." I gave in and she let me go.

That look sent a shiver down my spine.

~Third person's POV~

After their little meal, Jimin and Nara strolled down the streets of Seoul in a steady rhythm of chatter, slowly, but surely getting to know each other's likes and dislikes.

Getting familiar with each other's personalities and little habits, such as how Nara today learned that Jimin has a habit of running his slender fingers through his raven locks, and that his tounge often snakes out from between his plump pink lips to wet them, unknowingly making her insides warm up. She also learned that Jimin will dance any song and that he loves cats.

To Nara, he's the cutest man she's ever met.

And Jimin today learned that Min Nara, the country's most gorgeous model has the oddest laughter, and she's a lot goofier than she leads people on to believe when she's sitting in front of a camera. He also learned that she likes to sketch and sing with her older brother Yoongi, and loves books to read like him.

A fellow bookworm, so they agreed to meet again at a bookstore in Jimin's neighborhood on Saturday.

"Hand me your phone." Jimin says, doing a little dance with his hand out, and wordlessly, Nara punched her code in- handing it to him, only just noticing all of the silver rings that adorned his fingers.

Jimin called himself from Nara's phone and gave it back to her.

"Alright, pose with your camera and act as if you were going to photograph those trees." Nara directed and Jimin giggled with a hand over his mouth, following her orders.

" Nara directed and Jimin giggled with a hand over his mouth, following her orders

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"Perfect, thanks Jimin!"

"Wow, that was quick." Jimin marveled at the woman swiftness and examined the picture, but was displeased with his nerdy glasses, messy hair that looked nothing like how he styled earlier this morning- bare face.

"It was. So Saturday at twelve?" Nara questioned and Jimin nodded in confirmation as he began to walk backward to his car and she did the same.

"Saturday at twelve. See you then." Jimin waved.

"See you then, Jimin." She smiled and got in her car, leaving Jimin a smiling mess.

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