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"Oh my god, look at this mess!" Jimin said with wide eyes, and Nara just pulled him by his shirt and whispered in a hushed voice.


The duo speed walked like grannies to the checkout line trying to look like they were innocent.

"Oh man, if my aunt knew about this whole mess, she'd most likely wack me in my head with a big ass newspaper!" Jimin said after they entered into the car and headed back over to Nara's apartment with all of their ingredients.


Jimin and Nara ate the whole pot Ramen that they prepared together, in the living room, and binged the first season of Kim Possible on Disney+ for two hours tops.

They laughed their heads off late into the night, then decided to do something else.

That's how they found themselves sitting in Nara's small bathroom as she gently applied a green face mask to his face.

"Chim, don't move unless you want this stuff in your eyes." Nara said while applying the mask around his eyebrows.

"But the brush is tickling my face." he chuckled and pushed her hand out of the way, making a little bit of the mask his get into his eyes.

"Oh lord!" Nara said panicked.

"My eyes! Call the fuckin' police!" He screamed and clamped his eyes shut, possibly making his problem worse.

"How would they help you, dummy?
Don't be such a baby." She said shoving his head under the faucet.

"I'm never letting you near me with a face mask again!" He said pouting, after moving his drenched head from under the water.

"Why do crazy things keep happening to us?" Nara asked as she tried to calm herself.

"I honestly have no idea why." Jimin gently replied as he wiped his face on her dino hoodie.

"Oi! Let me go!"

"Then gimme a towel!"

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