𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙋𝙩-1

Start from the beginning

"I'll call her when we get to the compound," Steve said as he sat down next to Sam.

Natasha's POV:

My phone started ringing. "Let me take this," I said to Yelena as I stood up and walked towards a window.

《The call》

Steve: Hey where are you?

Nat: I'm in Budapest. Why?

Steve: We need you I have Wanda and Peter with me right now.

Nat: Why? What's going on? Are they okay?

Steve: They're fine but we need you to get to Wakanda as soon as possible.

Nat: Be there soon

《End call》

"I have to go Yelena. I'll call when I get the chance." I said running out of the apartment.


Wanda's POV:

My eyes shot open as the quinjet landed in Wakanda. Peter was laying down in my lap asleep.

"Hey Pete," I said shaking him a bit, "Were here,"

He sat up and looked around. We got off with our suits in hand and walked off the quinjet. As I got off Steve went to say hello to Bucky. As he did I saw a blond woman running towards us.

"Momma!" Peter said and ran towards her. It was Natasha. Her hair was short and blond she had a different suit on. As they crashed into each other's arms a smile spread across my face.

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. I ran towards her hugging her pressing my lips against hers.

I playfully punched her arm as we pulled away and said "Where have you been?"

"That doesn't matter I'm here now," she said pulling me into another hug with Peter involved.


Natasha's POV:

Shuri and Peter talked about how she could help remove the stone in Vision's head.

"Hey cap, we got a situation out here," Sam said into the comm. We looked outside to see the force field around Wakanda light up. "It's too late we need to destroy the stone," Vision said.

"Vision get your ass back on the table," I said and pushed him back down so Shrui could get started.

"Peter suit up," Wanda said. She was in her suit. Standing next to me looking at what was happening outside.

"I'll take Peter with me stay here with Vision once the stone is out of his head you blow it to hell, okay?" I said looking into her emerald eyes. Her eyes weld up with tears at the thought of me and Peter leaving her.

I pressed my lips against hers gently feeling her warmth against mine.

"It's gonna be okay," I told her.

Peter walked in with a new suit made of iron. "You like the suit mom?" he asked. "Mr. Stark made it from Nanotech," Peter said happily.

"I love it, Pete," I said. I looked at Wanda one more time before walking out with Peter.


Wanda POV:

I looked out the window to see big wheels come out underneath the ground towards Nat, Okoye, and Peter.

Walking out of the building I flew up towards them. I saw them duck as the wheels came towards them.

Landing in front of them I picked up the wheels using all my potential in me. I turned to see some of the aliens. Letting the wheels go and dropping them on top of the minions.

"Why was she up there all this time?" Okoye asked.

"That's my fucking mom!" Peter yelled.
"I love you," Natasha said.

I rolled my eyes as I began helping Peter out. "Nat watch your sixth," I said as she gets hit."Yeah thanks babe," she says.

"Guys we have a Vision situation," Sam said.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Cap yelled.

"On it," Bruce said flying there.

"On my way," I said before I got hit in the face by the same thing that attacked me and Peter in Scotland.

"He'll die alone, as well you," she said looking done at me.

"She's not alone," Nat said with Peter and Okoye on her side. They began fighting until it got to the wire.

With Nat down and a knife to her throat, I left up the creature and threw her into the wheel that was over our heads.

"That was gross," Nat said with blood specks on her face.


Thanos walked into Wakanda and Vision told me to destroy the stone. "Vis you'll die," I said holding tears back.

"It's okay you could never hurt me," Vision said. As I stepped away from him I felt my power build as I aim to his head and let go. Peter and Natasha were down. I held Thanos back so I could finish the job. Then I felt the power of the stone shut down and explode.

"I understand my child," Thanos said slightly touching my head. I looked as Thanos used a green stone and turned back time. "No!" I screamed but he hit me tossing me to the side. He got it. The stone.

Thor came down with all his might and threw Stormbreaker into his chest.

"You should've gone for the head," Thanos hissed and snapped.

Natasha's POV:

I got up and ran to Wanda who was in tears.

"Steve?" Bucky said and fell turning into dust. I walked towards Steve seeing nothing but dust.

I tuned seeing the tree thing that came with Thor turn into dust and the raccoon saying no repeatedly.

"Mom," came a voice behind me, "I don't feel so good," Peter said falling into my arms.

"Please mom, I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go," he said as I laid him down on the ground holding him in my arms. "I love you mom," he said before he turned into dust.

I looked up seeing Wanda was in tears. She slowly turned into dust.

"No, no, no, no!" I yelled running towards her but I was too late. I lost my son. I lost my girlfriend. I lost my life.

I lost everything.

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