So maybe Im not okay

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Michaels POV
After practice I headed home to shower Kylie hasn't texted me so I assumed she was still resting and I decided to surprise her with some flowers. Once I was done getting dressed I said goodbye to my mom and sister and headed to her place. Arriving to her place there was an ambulance outside and EMTS carrying Kylie out on a stretcher with her Aunt holding her hand. I ran out of my car, what happened I asked pulling her Ant to the side. I went upstairs to check on her she wasn't answering and she was seizing her Ant says hysterically Come with us she says I'll meet you at the hospital I say getting back in my car as she hopped in the ambulance.
I called Derek while driving to the hospital and told him right away. They put Kylie under a sedative to stabilize her as they ran more testing. I held her hand waiting for the doctors to come back with some sort of answers. Her Ant was pacing and Derek stayed silent as Jen tried telling her Ant to stop pacing. Finally the doctors walked in. Who is her primary caretaker he asks looking over everyone. That doesn't matter what's the answer her Ant says clearly frustrated. Abnormal levels of sodium in the blood he says does Kylie eat good or normal amount of three meals a day he asks At times I answer knowing that her Aunt didn't have one. Well she needs to her body needs more nutrition if not this will be the reaction also to steer clear from alcohol for a week or two it's making her very dehydrated which caused this reaction he says walking out. Her Ant followed out asking more questions. She's not eating enough Derek says to himself really because it was above a whisper. I should've know I say looking at her pale figure.
Don't beat yourself up Michael Jen says She's a hard person to get through to she adds. Kylie stirred a bit and Jen and Derek decided to give us some space. What happened she says looking around. You had a seizure I say A seizure ? Why? She ask Your sodium levels were low, you didn't eat today and after drinking yesterday your body needed all the nutrients it could get I say Oh she says So no more skipping meals and no drinking for a week I say Okay she says looking down When can I leave she asks Right now her Ant says walking into the room I got your discharge papers she says holding them up. Just get dressed and I'll be waiting in the lobby she says walking out. Do you want help I ask her Only if you want to Kylie says
Of course I want, what do you think about a home cooked meal from my mom after this ? I ask I'd like that she says smiling, that smile I was missing it. I helped her get changed and the nurse came into to bandage her up where they had IV running. When we got to the Lobby her Ant was walking back and forth. Ah finally okay we are gonna get you home and get tons of food and fluid in that body she says Actually I'm going to go over Michaels if um that's alright Kylie says looking away. Actually you should come over for dinner to I say to her Ant knowing she might be worried and feel with regret about not being there for Kylie. You sure I wouldn't want to impose she says. No I insist I say Also you need a ride I added knowing she didn't drive to the hospital.
Thank you and dear call me Isbell she says I don't think we've ever formally met she says. You're right I say giving her my hand to shake. We headed off to my house, Kylie stayed quiet the whole ride resting her head against the window. The doctor gave her medicine for the headache to subside but it was clear it hadn't quite gone away yet. Her Ant, Isbell was telling me all about her job in the travel agency. It was pretty cool that she was the CEO and got to travel all over.
I helped Kylie out the car and into my place. Oh good dear I'm glad to finally meet you my mom says shaking Isbell's hand. Pleasures all mine Isbell says Can I help with dinner preparation she asks my mom. Ah yes come I got some wine for us to drink my mother says. Hey Mack I say to my sister as she embraces me in a hug. She hugged Kylie too, Do you wanna watch a movie she asks Kylie. Sure Kylie answers and we walked into the living room. Mack got Kylie all kinds of blankets and put on Frozen but kept the volume at ten to help Kylies headache. Kylie has drifted off to sleep and for once I was scared to let her sleep. Reality had hit me how scary today was and how it could've been way worse. Dinners ready my mom shouts. My sister ran off to the dining room and I sat back debating whether I should wake her up or let her rest.
               Oh she fell asleep Isbell says walking towards us. Should I wake her I ask. Don't worry I will she says letting me head off to dinner. My mom had made chicken Alfredo with garlic bread. Thank you mom I say kissing the top of her head. You're welcome sweetheart she says
               Kylies POV
I felt my body being nudged as my father held me down. I knew I was dreaming but how to wake up. I gasped waking up to my name being called and my Aunt stood before me. Honey it's okay I'm right here she says. I grimaced at my headache still being present. Come on let's go eat she says helping me up. Dinner looks amazing my aunt says to Mrs.Anderson. Thank you I say as I take a bite of the pasta. It was delicious and my first meal today, I really had to stop I felt so guilty when I saw how concerned Michael was and how his voice broke when he told me no more of doing this. I helped with the dishes once dinner was over. My Ant decided to let me stay over as she went back to her place.
                         Do you wanna take a shower Michael asks as he closed the door to his room. Yes please I need this hospital smell off of me I say With me he asks giving me a smirk. I walked with him to the shower. He stripped me of my clothes and I helped him undress. With the water hitting my back all my feelings there and his bare we kissed. And well we were already naked, let's just say shower sex is the best sex in my book.

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