Drunken Nights

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Kylies POV

     The light gleamed in through a crack from the blinds being half way shut. Michael felt me stir as he sat up and gave me a smile. Goodmorning beauty he stated
Then I'm guessing you're the beast I stated back giggling a bit
I believe this is the first morning I have awakened without a hang over and let me tell you it feels great however I know tomorrow I will because it's Halloween night.
Have you decided on a costume ? He asked me
Nah not yet still debating, you don't think I'm scary enough if I don't dress up? I ask playing to see what he truly thinks
Well I think if you let me give you hickeys all around your neck that'd scare some away he says with a chuckle
I chucked a pillow at him as he headed towards the bathroom. Oh your pillow wounds me he says sarcastically
Well isn't someone chipper today I say but can't help but smile I was really the one chipper, he just brought it out of me
Hello He says waving a hand over me I guess I must of zoned out my bad I say
It's okay I was saying join me for a shower let's save water he says moving his eyebrows up and down haha good one I'm gonna head to my place, maybe see Derek before deciding what I'm going to wear for Halloween I say
As I was about to walk out I felt him stare at me, when I turned the pout on his lips so I walked up to him and gave him a big kiss on the lips oh silly you didn't think I leave without a kiss now did you I say playfully
He pulls me back in for another one, don't go he says 
You'll see me in a couple hours babe bye bye I say
You called me babe he said I just kept walking rolling my eyes at him
< skips drive to home>
Walking into my aunts I wasn't dreading seeing her til I saw her
Hi I say seeing her sit in the living room
Hi she says coldly but nicer then usual Happy Halloween she says
To you as well I say with a smile yes I'm being nice I'm in a good mood and she ain't gonna ruin it
I'm heading out of town she says as I almost make way up to my room I'll be gone for a week my car should be arriving in twenty minutes she finished and at that moment I noticed her bags Oh okay I say feeling the lonely feeling returning into my head have a safe trip I finish
And with that I get into my room and decide to go as an angel since I had these angel wings from a play I was supposed to be in but never showed up for.
I get dressed and decided to head to Dereks first
< skips drive again >
I wait for Derek to come to the door for the past ten minutes
I got annoyed so I called him
Hey Kylie oh shit that's you knocking I though it was kids trick o treating im coming beep beep end of FaceTime call
No later a Derek was at the door Wow I fuck with the costume he says
Thank you where's Jenna is she here yet ? I ask
Nah I figure we scoop her on the way to the party He says and you are going as? I ask looking at his outfit
Hello I'm the guy from the paper towel commercial Brawn he says and then he proceeds to get the roll to show me that he is in fact the guy on the paper towel roll

Ooooo I say and Jenna knows ? I say question as she likes to match every year Actually yeah we decided to go as different theme this year he says avoiding eye contact with me Why's that I say as we both hop into my car Well we're together but she ...

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Ooooo I say and Jenna knows ? I say question as she likes to match every year
Actually yeah we decided to go as different theme this year he says avoiding eye contact with me
Why's that I say as we both hop into my car
Well we're together but she said how she thinks that I wouldn't argue with her as much if she distance herself he says lowly
WHAT I say almost shouting I smacked him in the back of the head and stopped shortly Are you dumb I say not really asking cause he is indeed dumb
Dude either be with Jenna or be single I say
PERIODT I yell at him and then turn on city girls
You're right I love her and I don't know why I do that he finished and then starts singing " Act up"
And the drive was peaceful continuous after that as we picked up Jenna who was a school girl truly loved how hot she looked
I got out the car to go knock on Michaels door also got out so Derek can squash the beef between him and Jenna before the party
Hello my beautiful girlfriend he says we aren't going he states as he looks at my outfit
What why? I ask you look too good and I want you all too myself he says I gaped at his costume
LUCIFER!!! I squealed you are too good I say
We have to go we look hot as a couple I finish
You're right but can I drive he says looking towards his car
You can drive mine I say
Really? He says more questioning I just didn't wanna ask to drive your car because you're a great driver but I'm going to be designated he says
Of course honey I say as we jump in the car
He placed his hand on my bare thigh and I couldn't help but be so content in this moment
Derek and Jenna were making out in the back
Everything was great
We arrived a Delucas party, hes one of the jocks at our school and his house is a mansion.
Hey guys thanks for coming he greets as we walked through the double doors
Yeah of course I say giving him a side hug
We're abouttah cyph come join he says
I look to Michael knowing he's not much of a smoker geesh face palm did I really just ask permission
I'm gonna get us drinks Michael says I'll meet you there he finishes but doesn't leave without giving me a kiss on the cheek.
I melted on the spot hes amazing
Derek and I left to go join this cyph while Jenna went and got them drinks with Michael
She wasn't much of a smoker either

Five blunts I was excited need less to say As we sat on the couch in the garage Luke of course had to be there to be the bummer of the cyph but he hasn't glanced my way in this moment I'm glad Derek came because I do not want to be alone with him
The first hit felt amazing I didn't realize how much I wanted to smoke til I got here
Michael and Jenna graced us with our drinks as we started smoking the third one
Conversation was flowing about how fast time is flying and we will graduate soon I had a buzz going after finishing my drink Michael must of known since I started leaning on him a little more because he asked me to come dance with him
I would love to dance I say smiling a little too hard
As we walked towards the dance floor I decided to take two shots along the way and got another drink
We danced for a good six songs before we headed out for air somehow I ended up with a whole bottle of vodka, grey goose of course
We sat on the porch in silence as I leaned back into the chair I felt like he was dying to ask me something  so I just blurted it out
What do you want to know I ask trying to sound as sober as possible but of course my words slurred I'm finishing this bottle by myself
Do you know what you want to be ? He asks
I blinked three times not expecting that question
Do you want my realistic answer or my dreams I ask
Both he says smiling at me before he starts drinking his water
My dream is to be a influencer in fashion but realistically I'm thinking of becoming a detective I say both of those are realistic Kylie but why do you want to be either of those he asks not in a rude way but more so curious
I took two more gulps of the bottle I love dressing up and I want to style the youth but I also want to help those in crisis, people who were in a situation like well me I say mumbling the last part as I down more alcohol to push my feelings down
Before he could answer what do you want to be ? I asks giggling from now well over intoxicated
I want to be a trainer, I love working out and I would love to help and push people to become there best self he says flexing his muscles towards me and here he gives me a cup of water
I love you Kylie but drink some of this and the hangover won't be too bad he says
I nod and sip the water as I lean further back into the chair
Heyyyyy Derek yells as Jenna is trailing after him stumbling and giggling
Drinking game come one he says Jenna pulls me out of the chair and Derek drags Michael along
We head inside and the game is flip cup which at this very moment I didn't think I could play
Can we put liquor in it instead of beer I say sheepishly to Derek Jenna laughs way a head of you girl she says bumping hips with me
Michael was standing behind me with one hand on my hip reassuringly keeping me in place
One round I say as I feel spot starting to form in my head I could barely feel straight I knew I was too drunk too crossed from smoking and drinking
Yeah yeah Jenna waved me off  I guess they thought me the queen of drinking was joking but I felt too intoxicated nevertheless

I don't turn down a good game
It was indeed three rounds later I could no longer stay on my feet as I leaned back into Michael I felt my world crashing.

Michaels POV
I had been holding Kylie in place I had seen her drunk but she was so drunk to this point I knew she needed me to stand. I didn't wanna tell her to stop however when she leant her full weight on me I knew I needed to get her some sleep.
I pulled her away from that dumb game. Kylie I say she managed a hmm
We're gonna go back to my place okay ? Or do you want to head to yours I ask
We can go to me she says hiccuping aunt gone vaca me don't know she giggled
Okay can you hold on to me I ask realizing I have to get Jenna and Derek
Hey you two I yell being close enough
They snapped there heads looked at Kylie and knew it was time to go but that didn't stop them from grabbing a bottle each for themselves, one I assume for Kylie
I carried her to the car and placed her in the passenger seat
You're so handsomeeee she says and planted a kiss on my lips gosh I love her I thought
I buckled her in and proceeded to wait for Derek and Jenna to get in the car.
Yo mike where is we going Derek says clearly drunk too
Kylies aunt isn't home I say you want me to drop—- noooo come over Derek n Jenna Kylie says spare bedroom she finishes
Okay Jenna says
We shortly arrived to Kylies place. Kylie tried to get out the car with her seatbelt on
I know you love me car but let me go to my bed she says I had to keep the laugh to myself as I got to her side and unbuckled her seatbelt she babbled oh my hero my car was keeping me hostage she states I thought it loved me she says pouting I hold on to her extra tight This was a different drunk Kylie, a happy drunk and I loved it not that I wouldn't take sad Kylie but my happy Kylie was everything to me and I must keep her happy I thought as she handed me the keys to open the door

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