Drunken Nights II

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Kylies POV
I handed you the keys because I don't know which one opens the door I say oh I'm drunk I say but more to myself
I know baby do you feel okay? Do you want to shower ? Michael ask
Wait I say and looks back Jenna and Dereck we're sitting on my front lawn
Yeoooooo people let's go I say as Michael finally got the door to release its lock that door was acting so bitch I thought
Derek and Jenna stumbles in and headed to the movie room chanting movies movies movies
I looked at Michael who looked like he could run a whole marathon
Can we change I say first Absolutely he says as he helps me get upstairs
I wanted to the throw up when we finally got to my room I felt like I needed to drink more but can't without throwing up first Michael must've realized because instead of entering my room he went to the bathroom next to it and sat me on the toilet
I want more I said more what he ask looking
At me like I had ten heads
Alcohol I say I need to throw up and drink I said about to get up to face the toilet Michael started the shower I have a better idea he says
I'm going to undress you he tells me at no point am I trying anything okay I want you to feel better and I'm going to help you shower he finishes
I nod my head only because I feel a lump in my throat forming
He undressed me slowly and then proceeded to undress himself and boy was he finer then wine
Oh wine how is love some he held me up and guided me into the shower which was freezing cold
Nooooo I yelped so cold I added felt slightly good
I know it's okay he said as he started soaping my body up and the proceeded to wash his as I soaked up some of the water I had to admit it felt amazing he wrapped a towel around his hips and then grabbed one for me and wrapped it around me like if I was four I love him he's so gentle I thought
You good I say oh man I thought I could speak screaming internally at my stupid brain he actually dressed me too in the most comfiest clothes and got dressed, thank god he left a bag of clothes here last time he slept over although I think he could've fit into something of Dereks I have in the spare bedroom
Derek and Jenna I say Yes baby we will get to them he says ever so sweetly I lobe you I sigh saying that with a sigh of satisfying because I could literally pass out on this bed being so comfy.
I love you too Kylie he says I'm gonna get them to bed you just go to sleep he says must of noticed my eyes getting heavy but I couldn't have him deal with them by himself
No I'm okay I say feeling a lot better still slightly drunk  but standing up quickly wasn't too bright but I pushed past the head rush and walked down towards the movie room where Derek and Jenna were half way asleep with nothing playing on the screen I guided Jenna to the spare bedroom having her half change by herself with me assisting a little into comfortable clothes and Derek being able to dress himself came out the bathroom looking a little pale now with everyone dressed and Jenna fast asleep we walked towards the kitchen I threw up Derek said I gaped at him he never throws up I mean never like his tolerance and stomach. I think we were laced he said think about if you could barely stand and don't think I didn't notice you didn't finish the vodka bottle he slight yelled Michael hushed him down as he noticed  I grimaced as his tone spiked I believe you but who would we were all smoking maybe it was just bad weed or
Maybe too much weed I said  he sighed yeah I suppose I'm gonna head to bed he said but not without also grabbing two waters
I grabbed the vodka bottle from the fridge feeling my emotions spiking with all that's happened I blamed Luke when he said we'd been laced right away I just couldn't push off any thoughts as I started gulping it, it was roughly grabbed out my hands by a upset looking Michael umm what are you doing he asked me
Drinking I just needed the buz I'm okay I say backing off that and going for water you believed him easily does that have to do
With why you grabbed a vodka bottle after you almost hacked not even twenty minutes ago he says obviously upset I know I just blamed Luke right away I said guilty and I started thinking
And I needed to not think I finished
Alright I understand he says sighing let's head to bed he says taking my hand
My head was already pounding I don't want to disappoint him but I love to drink to forget I thought to myself
We laid down and I placed my head on Michael chest, he stroke my hair and started to speak but then stopped
I love you Michael I said and that was lights outfor me

Michaels POV
I love you too I said but I soon felt her body drifting fully into dream world but I couldn't help but think and replay tonight events True reason I didn't drink I didn't trust Luke and
I wanted to kick his ass so being sober kept me focus on my girl and making sure she stayed okay but smoking of course I should've stopped her when I saw Luke but I didn't want to think he'd stoop that low to lace the whole group to get to her
She said she loved me but what if she only
Said that cause she's drunk i looked down to her sleeping form stirring a little she must be havin nightmares
No she whispers I don't No stop please shes hyperventilating at this point
Kylie I shake her shoulder lightly it's just a dream it's okay trying to soother her
Michael don't leave she mumbled I'm right here I whisper and she trembled lightly and her words continued to tremble for ten more minutes until she went into a peaceful sleep.
That's when lights out were for me but not without last thoughts of how I loved her drunken nights with me.

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