My Xander FanFic

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We go through the whole mall without anyone recognizing us. I bought her a shirt that she picked out and I bought us ice cream. We hop back in the back and I start it up. "Alexis?" she says. "Ya?" "I'm really happy you and Alexander are getting married." she says which brings a smile to my face. "Me too. He is a really great guy and I will have you, Natalie, and Nick." I say. "Well I know Alex really loves you." she says. "I really love him too. So, is there any embarrassing things about him or things I should know?" I ask her. A smile spreads across her face. "It would be easier to tell you whats not embarrassing about him. And he does have this one old girlfriend that's kinda weird and has always been jealous of his new girlfriends, but I don't think she will be any trouble." she says.

I put a mix CD in and the first song that's plays is "Liv it Up (Teenage Waste Land)" "You like this song?" she asks. "Actually Alexander made me get it but I've learned to like it." I say. "Ya, it gets a little annoying when he sings it constantly around the house." she says. We both start singing along and we know every word of it. When it gets to the actual singing part I notice I'm the only one singing. I look over at Sophia and her mouth is open. "Alexis, you are REALLY good." she says. "Thanks, but your better." I tell her. "We should do a song together!" she says. "Defiantly!" I say.

We get to our house and we walk in to Alexander laying on the couch throwing Allie up and down and catching her. "Alexander! Be careful!" I scream. "She's fine, I wouldnt drop her." he says. "Mom and dad dropped you when you were a baby." Sophia says quietly which makes me laugh. "Do you wanna hold her?" I ask her. "Yes." she says sitting down. I place Allie in her arms and Allie dosnt start crying or anything like she usually does. "Man, they love the Ludwigs." I say. "Well, in about 2 months they will love you then." Alexander says. "I can't believe we are getting married." I say. "You don't want to?" he asks. "No, I want to but It's just weirdos to say that I'm getting married to Alexander Ludwig at 19." I say. "Are you scared?" he asks. "I'm not scared, just nervous." I say. "Well don't be, I'm here for you and I'm pretty sure Sophia already likes you and thinks of you like and older sister." he says. I look over to Sophie who is still holding Allie and smiling at us. "Do you want to hold Richard?" I ask her. "Sure!" she says. I take Allie away from her and place Richard in her arms. "So Sophia, how would you like to come with me to get my wedding dress and to be one of my head brides made's?" I ask. "Are you serious?! I would love too!!!!!" she says. "Well in two weeks you, your mom, dad, nick, Natalie, my mom and dad, and the twins can all come!" I say. "Awesome!" she says. "What about me?" Alexander asks. "Oh ya, you can stay home." I say laughing.


I get up early and throw on a blue skirt with a white top and a pretty necklace. I put on a little bit of make up and go down stairs. Everyone is already here because we agreed that we should meet here first. I go over to Alexander "Hey." I say. "Hey, you ride is waiting out front." he says. "What?" I ask. "Look out the window." I look out the window and see a black stretch limo. "Oh my gosh Alexander! Thank you!" I say. "No problem." he responds. "I mean, how else were we suppose to fit all these people in one little car?" he says. "Alexis honey, come on!" my dad says. "Good luck finding a dress babe." he says and brings me close. "Thanks, I say before leaning in more and kissing him.

"Bye, love you." I say when I pull away. "Love you too." he says.

(Told by Alexander)

Right when I see Alexis go out the door I go over to her dad. "Hey, heres my credit card for her dress." I say. "Alexander I thought you were only paying half?" he asks. "That's what Alexis thinks." I say. "Alexander this is way too much, I can't let you pay it." he says. "Please? I don't want you guys to have to pay for it and I want her to have exactly what she wants and not have to worry about the price." I say. "Alexander-" "Come on, just let me pay for it." I say. He let's a deep breath out. "Fine." he says. "Thanks." I say handing him my credit card. "You love my daughter way too much." he says. "It's never enough." I respond.

It's a little hectic trying to find a dress because everyone has a different opinion. His mom is vein really stubborn and not saying anything. Natalie is honest about what she thinks about the dresses but she isn't mean about it when she doesn't like it, and Sophia always sides with me, whatever I like she likes and whatever I don't like she doesn't like. Everyone else is pretty good and the twins don't cry at all because Sophia is holding Richard who NEVER cries when he is in her arms and Alexanders dad is holding Allie.

After hours of trying on dresses there are 2 that we all really like except for Alexander's mom who doesn't say anything. They are really different dresses but they are beautiful. I try them each on again and then it's clear that the second one is it. We pay for the dress and they say that it will arrive in 5 days.

Alexander Ludwig ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now