Chapter 7

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We just step out of the restaurant and we are surrounded by paparazzi. The flashes are blinding. Now I know why Alexander told my to put the sunglasses on. There are so many questions being asked at once like "What's your name sweetheart? Alexander who's this? And is she your girlfriend?" Alex just ignores them and pushes his way through them. We get to the car after 10 minutes because the paparazzi were so bad. "You good?" Alexander asks me when we are both in the car. "Yeah I'm fine." I say. "I'm so sorry that happened." he say apologizing. "It's fine Alex, they don't know who I am and they didn't get a good look at my face either." I say looking into his eyes. "Ok, let's go to the mall!" he says. "Ok!" we say and drive off.

We get to the mall and not many people are there do Alexander doesn't bother putting on his hat. We walk around together and we go into our favorite store in the mall Hollister. First we pick out outfits for each other that we could never see each other wearing. I got to the guys section and he goes to the girls. I find a pair of bright red shorts that are shorter and i just grab a white V-neck for the top. I go to the irks section and see Alex.... With girls all around him flirting. This gets me mad, even though we aren't dating I dont want other girls flirting with him. "Hey Alex!" I say walking over to him and give him a kiss on the cheek. The girls stare at me angrily. I slip my arm around Alexander's waist and lean my head on his shoulder. "I got your outfit." I say. "Here we go." he says and take the clothes. He hands me my outfit and we both go to change. He picked out floral print shorts and a white flowy tank top. I would have never tried these on, the looked ugly on the rack but they don't look bad on. I put the top on then go out. I see Alexander in the bright shorts and white v-neck, It actually looks good on him. "How do I look?" he asks. "Hot." I say. "Hot? " he asks. "Yup." I say. "Yes! You finally said hot and not cute!" he says and I laugh. He notices my outfit and says "You look...... beautiful." he says coming towards me. "Thanks." I say and blush. I used to never blush, but when I'm around Alexander thats all I seem to do. He puts his hands on my hips and leans down and kisses me. We only kiss for a minute or so when we realize a bunch of girls stating at us. They all look at me with hate in their faces. "Dont worry, their just jealous." Alexander says into my ear. We go back into our dressing rooms ad I decide to by the floral shorts. We go up to the check out and when I'm getting my money out Alexander quickly slips the cashier $30. "Alexander!" I say and slap his arm. "Yes?" he asks. "You didn't have to pay, I have money." I say. "I know, but I wanted too. I grew up with a family that always paid for other people and won't take no for an answer when it comes to it." I laugh and thank him. We go shopping but we only look at the stuff. I really want to go into Victoria secret but Alexander doesn't want to come in or stay out by himself. I drag him in the store and while I go to try a pair of yoga shorts on I peak out of the door and see one of the ladies that's works here flirting with Alexander. She looks like she is 20 and she is trying to get close to him. She's putting her hands on his chest and giving him the flirty eyes. I'm getting so mad because he just stands there. Finally he pushes the girl away from him and says "I'm not interested, I already have a girl that I really care about, and your not going to ruin it!" he says to her. I'm happy that he said that but it was probably just to get her away, or was it?

Alexander Ludwig ImagineDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora