Chapter 22

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"Good, now hug her from behind and wrap your arms around her stomach." the photographer says. We do as he says and finally we only have one more pose. "Alexander, pick her up like bridal style and give her a kiss." e says. "No problem." Alexander says smiling. I smile back and he picks me up. I wrap my arms around his neck and look into his beautiful blue eyes. We both slowly lean in and starts kissing. I can barely hear the photographer say we are doing great, and hold it. We continue kissing for who knows how long I feel a hand on my shoulder and slowly pull away. I see the photographer and he has a frustrated look on his face. "What are you guys deff? I've been saying you can stop for about 5 minutes now." he says I look at Alexander and he has a smile on his face, I instantly blush. "Um..... Sorry." I say. "Ok, you guys are all done for today." he says and leaves. Alexander carries me to my dressing room so I can change then he goes to his dressing room.

I meat Alexander outside of the dressing rooms and we walk hand in hand together to the car. "You ready or your doctors appointment tomorrow?" he asks me. "Yeah, I just hope that everything is ok with the baby, I know it's really early to fully see if anything is wrong but hopefully he or she is healthy." I say. "Or them." Alexander says. "You think we are having twins?" I ask. "You never know." he says.

We get back to the house and I'm really tired so I go change into one of Alexanders hoddies and a pair of basketball shorts. I climb into bed and cover up. "Hey babe." Alexander says standing in the door way. "Hi." I say. "What time do you have to go to the doctor tomorrow?" "11:00" I tell him. "Ok." he says taking his shirt off and climbing into bed. He does under the covers and wraps his arms around me. I turn over to him and give him a light kiss. "Goodnight, I love you." I say. "Love you too sweetie." he says giving me another kiss, but this time harder and longer. He pulls me on top of his kissing me more. "Let's just go to bed, I'm tired." I say pulling away. "Awe, please?" he asks like a child. I roll off of him and over back up. "Good night Xander." I say closing my eyes.

I wake up at 6 in the morning and rush to the bathroom. As soon as I get there I start throwing up. "A-Le-Xander!" I scream for him to come but it's hard because I can't stop throwing up. "What baby." he says coming towards the bathroom. When he sees me he immediately comes to my side. "Are you ok babe?" he asks. "Well lets see, I'm vomiting un-control-ibly and my stomach is killing me, so NO I'm not ok!" I scream. When I realize I said that very harshly I immediately apologize. "I'm so sorry Xander, I didn't mean it." I say. "It's fine Hun." he says while pulling my hair back and rubbing my back. "Your fine, shhhhhhh, your alright." he keeps repeating while patting my back.

After for what seems like hours I finally stop and I get ready for the doctors appointment. I throw on a pair of black yoga pants and a blue V-neck shirt. "Let me do your hair." Alexander says from behind me. "Ok, just don't out it in a knot." I say. "Don't worry, I won't." he says starting to work on my hair.

"Ouch! That hurts!" I say as he pulls pieces of my hair back.

When he is finally done I look in the mirror. "Alexander, it's really good!" I say. He braided my long hair in a braid down my back. "Really? So I did a good job?" he asks. "Yep." I say.

We get in the car and drive to the doctors appointment. I stare out the window worried. "You ok Alexis?" Alexander asks. "Oh um, ya." I say. "Are you sure?" he asks. "Yeah, I just wish I had my mom or Natalie here with me." I say. "Alexis your mom doesn't know about this yet." Alexander says. "Oh, ya I forgot." I say. "Alexander is this even a good idea?" I ask. "What are you talking about?" he asks. "Me, being pregnant." I say. "Lexis, it's too late to go back. Your pregnant with our beautiful boy or girl, and your going to be a great mom." he says and squeezes my hand reassuring me. "I'm only going to be a good mom because your the dad." I say. He lets out a little laugh but then stops at a red light. "WE are going to be great parents, and will be as long as we are together." he says then kisses my cheek. I stare into his eyes then give him a quick kiss on the lips. He pulls away with a smile and continues driving.

We get to the hospital and go in the waiting room. We wait for about 5 minutes then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Natalie! "Natalie!" I say and jump up to hug her. "Hey Alexis!" she says. "I've missed you so much!" "I've missed you too!" she says pulling away from the hug.

I look at Alexander "Surprise!" he says. I jump on his lap and hug him. "Thanks for brining her here." I say hugging him tightly. "No problem Alexis." he says hugging back. "Alexis Stone." the doctor with a clipboard says. I look at Natalie and Alexander, then we all slowly stand up.

We follow the doctor into the room and I sit on the table while Natalie sits on a chair and Alexander sits behind me on the table and wraps his arms around me.

The doctor puts jelly stuff on my stomach and presses a x-ray type thing on it. He goes out but comes back in minutes later. "Good news Ms. Stone, you are pregnant with twins!" the doctor says. "T-Twins?" I ask. "Yes, twins!" the doctor says. Alexanders grip tightens and he kisses my cheek. "Are they the same gender or...?" I ask. "One boy and one girl." he says. He leaves the room and Natalie comes over to me. "Twins?!" she says. "I know!" I say still in shock. "Are you happy?" she asks. "Yes! I'm just really shocked!" I say. She hugs me "Your going to be a great mom." she says. "And your going ti be a great godmother." I say. "What?!" she asks excitedly. "Would you be the godmother?" I ask. "Yes! Of course! Thank you do much!" she says. "Um, I leave you two alone." she says. "Twins." Alexander says. "You called it." I say. "I didn't really think we would have twins." he says. "So are you mad?" I ask him. "Of corse I'm not, I'm happy!" he says hugging me tighter. "So, when do we tell my mom?" I ask. "We'll she is going to know right when she gets back from her trip because you can easily tell." he says. "So how about my dad picks her up from the airport and we make a nice dinner here and tell her?" I ask. "Ok, that sounds great! Now let's go back to tell your dad about twins." he says getting up and holding my had.

Alexander Ludwig ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now