Chapter 5

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Neither us pull away until we have to, and even then we lean in for another kiss. We finally pull away and stare into eachothers eyes.

I hear Natalie coming down the stairs so I slide if his lap and act like nothing happened.

Right when she sits down Cato dies. She stands up and claps and I laugh at her. "Man, I feel the love." he says sarcastically. We watch the rest of the movie and when it's over we are all tired. I tell them I'll sleep on the couch but Alexander insists on me taking his room and he will sleep in the couch. "We argue about that for about 10 minutes until I finally give in and say "Fine, you take the couch!" and he smiles with satisfaction. I'm not that tired yet so while Natalie goes upstairs I sit in the couch and watch tv. Alexander plops down besides me and puts his feet up. "Hey" he says. "Hi." I answer back. "So, about that kiss earli- he says and doesn't finish because I interrupt him. "Let's just forget about it." I say. "But I liked it." he says and I'm shocked.

We sit there in awkward silence until I say "Im going to go to bed." I say while getting up. He grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him and kisses me quickly on the lips. "Goodnight Alexis." he says and let's go of me.

I get in his room and it's amazing!

He has his own bathroom, a walk in closet with a couch inside it, and a king size bed. I look around at all his pictures of him when he was little, he looks so cute.

I plop down on the bed and cover up and turn on the tv. I watch Ridiculousness and fall asleep quickly.

"Alexis wake up. Alexis." says Alexander shaking me awake. "What?" I ask. "I made breakfast, it's down stairs." he says. "Ok I'll be down in 5 minutes." I say and stand up. "Hey Alexis about the date, is today at 1 ok? I will take you out to lunch and we can go to the mall and maybe for a swim?" he asks. "Sure." I say with a smile. "Ok, can't wait." he says then leaves. I get a quick shower, then I put on skinny jeans and a cute abrocrombie and Fitch shirt with black converse. I go down stairs and see Alexander Natalie already eating. "Hey Lexis!" Natalie says. "Help yourself!" she says pointing to a buffet table. I go over and get a plate. I get 2 pancakes, 1 pice of sausage, and two pieces of bacon. "That's it?" Alexander's asks when I set my plate down on the table. "Yup." I say starting to cut the pancakes. "Ooook." he says and Natalie gets up to get more. "You look beautiful today." Alexander's whispers leaning over the table. "Thanks, you look cute." I say. "Cute? Not hot?" he asks and we both laugh. "What are you guys laughing about?" Natalie asks coming back. "Nothing." we both say at the same time. "I better get going." I say getting up from the table. "Alexis, your car isn't here, remember we left it at your house yesterday?" she says. "Oh ya. I'll just walk." I say. "No you won't, come on I'll drive you" Alexander says getting up.

"It's ok you don't have to." I say opening the door. "I'd rather just walk." I say. "Then I'll walk you home." he says. "Fine." I say walking out the door. "Bye Natalie thanks!" I say. "Bye Alexis! No problem!" she yells.

"Let's go a different way." Alexander says turning away from me house and pulling me with him. We walk about a block in silence before her speaks. "Lets play a game." he says. "Ok, what?" I ask. "Truth or dare!" she says. "Ok." I say he starts. "Truth or dare?" "Truth" I say. "How many boyfriends have you had before me?" he says. "Your not my boyfriend, and I've had 5. One of them was my best friend and we dated for 1 1/2 years." I say. I can see he doesn't like that I have had 5 boyfriends but I'm sure he has had more girlfriends. "Truth or dare?" I ask him. "Truth." he says. "How old was the youngest person you've ever dated?" I ask. "Only 1 hear younger." he says. "Truth or dare?" he asks. "Dare." I say. "I dare you to kiss me." he says. "Fine." I say and lean into kiss him. "I never backed down from a dare and I'm not gonna start now. I lean in and give him a 5 second kiss but then he pulls me in for more. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist while my hands are around his neck. I know in my head that I shouldn't be kissing him because I don't want to fall for him... I can't. But that's the problem, I know that in my head, but not in my heart.

Alexander Ludwig ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now