Chapter 13

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(Back to Alexis)

I wake up in the morning with a pounding headache. I don't see Alexander here or don't remember anything from last night. I go down stairs and see Alex asleep on the couch. I go to the couch and lay on top of him. I see him open his eyes. "Hey" I say and lean into kiss him. He turns his head so I can't kiss him. I lay my head right by his but he lifts me off of him "I should go." he says walking away. I grab his wrist. "Why?" I ask. Trying to kiss him. "Nothing, I just have to go." he says. I grab his wrist again "Alexander what's wrong?" I ask. "I don't know why don't you ask Christian." he says. "Who?" I ask. "Christian, the guy you were making out with." he says angrily. "I didn't make out with anyone last night except maybe you. Seriously, what's wrong?" I ask. "Alexis, you got drunk last night." he says. I'm shocked "What? But I only had one shot." I say. "Ya that you were aware of." he says. "What?" I ask again. "Those guys spiked your drinks." he says. "Wait what guys?" I ask getting frustrated. "Well my friend told me that these guys came over to you and bought you a pop and once you drank it you were acting a little weird. Then you drank another one and you guys went to dance. Then I caught you guys making out in the corner." he says. "Alexander, I'm so sorry. I-I didnt know what was going on." I say. "So, was that all that happened last night?" I ask. "Actually no." he says. "Well what else happened?" I ask. "I don't think you want to know." he says. "Yes I do." I say. "Fine. Last night when I caught you kissing him I realized you were drunk and so I took you home. I went to put you to bed and when we got to your room you started kissing me. I kissed you back the first time but then you were going too far. You kept kissing me when I told you to stop and then you tackled me onto the bed. You were kissing my neck then when you say up I thought it was to get up but you took your shirt off and tried to take mine off of me." he says. "Oh." I say looking down. "Ya." he says. "Alex, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that." I say. "It's fine, you were drunk you didn't know what you were doing." he says. "Ya but still, I feel horrible, and as for kissing that other guy, it meant nothing at all. I only wanna kiss you." I say moving towards him and standing on my tip toes. "It's fine Alexis, but I do really have to go." he says heading for the door. "Ok, I'll see you later." I say. "Bye." he says and shuts the door.

I get dressed and start to make dinner. I make lasagna and garlic bread. While its in the oven I go upstairs and straighten my hair.

I go over to Alexander's to ask him if he is coming over for dinner. I don't bother knocking and I just go in. I go to the kitchen then to the living room. I see Alexander and some other girl on the couch together kissing! I stop dead in my tracks. "What the hell?!" I yell. They quickly pull away. "Alexis I-" he starts but I cut him off. "Alexander how could you?!" I scream. "Honey I-" he says but this time gets interrupted by the girl. "Alexander is with me now. He never even really liked you, you nothing but and ugly slut!" she screams. I start to tear up. Alexander isn't doing anything. "Alex?" I Barely get out. "I'm sorry Alexis, we're done." he says. I get very angry and rip a necklace off my neck that he gave me a few days ago and throw it at him. "Why don't you gives this to the thing on your lap." I scream. I run out crying like crazy. I run the whole way home not bothering to look back. I get home and when I get inside I see Natalie sitting in my couch. "Whats wrong?!" she asks concerned. "Alexander was cheating on me." I say crying. "What? No, I know my brother and he would never do that to you, he loves you too much." she says. "Natalie, she was in his lap and they were making out!" I yell. "And when she was calling me a slut he didn't do anything, he just said we are done." I say hugging her back. "No, he wouldn't do this, not to you." she says walking out the door. "Where are you going?!" I ask. "To clear this up." she says and shuts the door hard.

Alexander Ludwig ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now