Chapter 24

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We end up Watching all the highschool musicals because the tv was on Disney channel for some reason and neither of us wanted to get up and get the remote. When they are all over we just lay there talking. "So, what should we name the babies?" he asks. "Do you want to name on after anyone?" I ask. "Not really. You can pick." he says. "Ok, but of you don't like the names we can change them." I say. "I'm sure I'll love them." he responds. "How about Richard for the boy?" I ask. "Why Richard?" he asks. "Well that was my grandpa's name, we were really close but when I was 12 he died from cancer. Plus, it's your middle name." I say trying to smile. "Ok, I love it!" he says kidding my cheek. "And for the girl?" he asks. "How about Allie?" I ask. "I love it!" Alexander hugs me tight. "But what should there middle names be?" he asks. "How about Natalie for Allie's middle name, and Joseph for Richards?" I ask. "After your brother?" he asks. "Yeah, he has been with me through everything. He was the first one I went to if I ever need anything or had to tell someone something. Is that ok?" I ask. "Of course sweetie, what we you want." Alexander says looking in my eyes. "Hi Allie, hi Richard, mommy and I can't wait to see you guys." Alexander says looking at my stomach with his hand placed over it. I laugh I little "Your going to be a great dad."

"And your going to be a great mother." he says kissing the top of my head. "Only because I'll have you to help me." I say. He hugs me and I slowly fall asleep in his arms.

I wake up to the worst pain. "Ahhhhhhh!" I scream loudly. "ALEXANDER!" I yell even louder. "Alexis! Whats wrong!" he says as if he scared. "Alexander, the babies!" I scream. My parents come running in the room. "Alexis! What's wrong?!" they scream together. "The babies!" I screams getting frustrated. "Come on, we need to get you to the hospital." Alexander says lifting me up in his arms.

(Told by Alexander)

I wake up to Alexis screaming my name. "Alexis! What's wrong?!" I yell even though I already know her response. "The babies!" she yells. Just then her parents come running into the room and asks the same question and she responds impatiently. I get her in my arms and sprint out to the car with her parents following closely behind. I get in the back seat and let her lay down but with her head in my lap. Her parents climb in and speed off. "Shhhhhh! Shhhhh! It's ok hun calm down, we will be there in like 5 minutes." I say even though the hospital is about 10 minutes away but I don't want to make her worried.

"I need Joe and Natalie!" I scream. "I can't do this without them, I NEED them!" "Ok ok hun don't worry I'll get them here." Alexander says.

I'm in so much pain I can't do anything but scream and cry. "The twins!" I scream. "Wait a second, Twins?!" my mom says. "Oh ya, we forgot to tell you she's having twins..." Alexander say. "Oh my gosh." my mom says in big shock.

We get to the hospital and yet immediately get me a room. They inject something into my arm. "Alexander! I need Joe and Natalie!" I scream. "I know, I got them a pirate jet and they should be here any second." he says. He kneels besides me and holds my hand. "It's ok hun, I'm here." he says and kisses my hand. "But I need-" just then two people come bursting through the door. "Oh my gosh little Alexis!" my brother Joes exclaims. They both rush right to my side, Joe and Alexander on one side and Natalie on the other side holding my hand a long with my mom and dad. "Ok, in three we need you to push sweetie." the nurse says. I shake my head in a agreement. "1 2 3!" she says and I push. "One more time. 1 2 3!" she says and I push again. All of a sudden I feel a huge relief as a hear a beautiful baby cry. But that was only the first one. "Ok sweetie, this ones gonna take a little more. 1 2 3 push! 1 2 3 push! 1 2 3 push! And one last time, 1 2 3 push!" and again I hear the beautiful baby cry. "Great job honey." Alexander says kissing my cheek. "Good job sis." Joe says. "You did great Lexis." Natalie says. But I hear nothing from my parents.

Alexander Ludwig ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now