Chapter 23

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"Twins?!" my dad asked excitedly but in shock. "Yes, one boy and one girl." Alexander and I said together. "Are you guys happy about twins?" he asked. "Of course we are, it's just a lot to handle." Alexander says taking the words out of my mouth. "Well you guys won't be alone, we will be here for you guys every step of the way." my dad says. "We don't even know how mom is going to react yet." I say. "Well, she'll have to deal with it." my dad says. "And how are we going to tell her?" he adds. "Well Alexander and I are going to make a nice dinner and you will go pick mom up at the airport. When she gets home she will already know." "Or she might just think you've gained A LOT of weight." Alexander chimes in. "Not funny." I say with a stone cold look in my face. "Sorry." he quickly says with a smirk. "Dad, were you laugh?!" I say shocked. "It was funny!" he says trying ti hold the laughter in. "Come on hun, I was just kidding." Alexander says wrapping his arms around me. "As I was saying, when mom gets back we will give her hugs and stuff, then show her the dinner we made, then we tell her or she finds out, which ever comes first." I say. "Ok, sounds like a plan!" Alexander and my dad say together.

Alexander and I are just finishing preparing the amazing spaghetti dinner we made when we here my mom and dad come through the door. We finish write when they walk into the kitchen. "Mmmmm it smells great!" my mom says with a smile. "Hi mom!" I say hugging here. "Hi Alexis." she says with a smile but it then fades when she hugs me. "Um honey, please tell me you gained weight." she says. I go over to Alexander and he wraps his arms around me. "Mom, I'm pregnant." I say. "P-pregnant?" she says. "Yes, I am." I say starting ti be a little more confident. "Honey, I'm so happy for you! I'm just a little shocked, I can't believe my little girl is pregnant." she says. "How far along are you?" she asks. "The doctor said the baby could come any second now." I say. "Man, your first pregnancy wasn't as bad as mine, I was a mess, and moody." she says. "Well I've had Alexander, he has been so supportive and has never left my side." I say. "Well then, Alexander I'm glad to have you join the family, and if my daughter is pregnant at this age then, I'm happy it's with you." she says. "Thank you so much. You don't know how much I love Alexis, I would die for her." he says hugging me tight. "I love you." I say turning to him. "I love you too." he says giving me a quick but sweet kiss on my nose.

I wake up the next morning wrapped in Alexander's arms. I lift my head up and smile at him. "Hey beautiful." he says smiling then gives me a quick kiss. "Hi."

"How are you feeling?" he asks. "Fine, a little pain as usual, but fine." I say. "Hey, how bout we have a lazy day today? Just stay in pjs all day and lay in bed watching movies." he says. "Yeah!" I say like a little kid. "Ok, so what movie would you like ti watch love?" he asks. "Anything with you in it." I say. "Eww no, you dont want to see anymore of my ugly face!" he says. "Your right, I want to see more of you hot, adorable, sexy face." I say missing his cheek. "Oh, I love you." he says. "I love you too, and I always will." I respond.

Alexander Ludwig ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now