Chapter 12

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Alexander and I go back to my house and he asks me I want to go to a club. "I don't know, what if the paparazzi catch us there?" I ask. "It'll be fine, I promise you." he says. "Ok, I'll go get changed." I say running upstairs. "Why?" he asks. "Cause were going to a club, I need to look hot." I say. "Ok but just remember your already taken so don't look too hot." he says. "I'll try not to." I say laughing.

I run to my room and go in my closet. I find a pair of short jean shorts and an American flag crop top. I through on a black leather jacket over it and don't bother putting a tank top on under the crop top. I through on a pair of strappy sandals. I grab my phone and some money. I run down stairs and to Alexander. "Ok as hot as you look you need to change. Longer shorts and a tank top under that shirt. I don't want any guys doing anything. "I'll be fine, I'll be with you the whole time and if they do you can just punch them in the face, ok?" I say. He takes a deep breath "Ok, but at least zip up the jacket." she says zipping it up for me. I laugh "Let's go." I say pulling him to the car.

We get to the club and the music is loud and there is a huge line. Alexander pulls me to the front of the line and tells the bodyguard his name and he let's him in. "How'd you get us in?" I ask. I know a person that works here." he says. "Oh." I say. "Come on let's go dance." he says taking my hands and walking to the dance floor.

We dance for a little bit and them I go sit by the bar while Alex goes to the bathroom.

"Hi, are you Alexis?" I girl says coming up behind the bar. "Yes?" I say. "I'm Kaitlin, Alexanders friend." she says. "Oh hi!" I say. "Can I get you a drink?" she asks. "No I'm good thanks." I say. "Oh come on, just a shot." she says setting it in front of me. "Ok." I say and take the shot. "Thanks." I say and walk away. I go to look for Alex when I run into a group of guys. "Hey." they say when the see me. "Hi." I say back. "I'm Christian and that's Jet." he says pointing to another guy. "Hi, I'm Alexis." I say. "Can we by you a drink?" they ask. "No thanks, I shouldn't be drinking." I say. "Oh come on, just pop?" they asks. "Ok, I guess." I say following them to the bar.

Christian hands me pop and I drink it, it tastes different. We all talk and laugh and just have a good time. Then I remember Alexander still hast come back yet. "You want another one?" he asks. "Um sure, but then I should really get back to my boyfriend." I say taking the pop. "Who's your boyfriend?" they ask. "Alexander Ludwig." I say drinking the rest of the drink. "Really?" they asks. "Y-yeah." I say but I start to get a massive headache.

When the headache passes I feel so good, I feel like I can do anything. "You wanna dance?" they ask. "Sure!" I practically yell. They lead me to the dance floor and we dance forever. Christian takes me back to a corner where no one else is. "You know your really hot." he says. "You are too." I say putting my hands in his chest. Grabs my face in his hands and kisses me and I kiss back. Right now I feel like nothing else matters, and all my cares in the world are gone and I just want to have a good time! We make out for a long time until Christian gets pulled away by someone. "What the hell are you doing?!" Alexander screams at us.

(Told by Alexander)

"Alexis what are you doing making out with this guy?!" I scream. "I don't know, I should be making out with you because are way hotter!" she says coming towards me. She is obviously drunk, they must of spiked her drink. "Come on, we are leaving." I say pulling her. "Where? I hope it's your house." she says. I try to ignore what she is saying because I know she's drunk and has no idea what's really going on. We get to her house and I drag her inside. I take her to her room but she will not go to sleep. She is getting in my face and being all flirty. "You know your really sexy, are we dating?" she asks. "Yes we are, now go to sleep. "Only of you go to sleep with me." she says rubbing her hands up and down my chest. "No, not while your drunk." I say. "Oh come on." she says and pushes me on the bed and lands I top of me. She starts kissing me and won't stop.

She finally stops for a second and then takes her shirt off, she tries to take mine off of me but I dont let her. "Alexis stop right now." I say. "I can't believe we didn't do this sooner." she says smiling. "We didn't and were not gonna now." I say and finally get up. I go to the bathroom and get some medicine to help we sleep. I make her take it and force her to swallow. I finally get her to take it and make her lay down. She slowly fall asleep and I go to the living room and lay of the couch.

I turn the tv on and see pictures from us at the club all over the news.

Alexander Ludwig ImagineDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora