Chapter 2

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I see Alexander Ludwig coming down the stares. If my sister new this she would be freaking out, but not me. I'm not his biggest fan, but I got to admit he is a great actor, his song isn't bad, an he's is pretty cute. "Ewww it you!" Natalie says to Alex. "What are you looking in a mirror?" Alex says to Natalie laughing. "He starts eating our food. "Hey! You can't eat that!" she says to him. "Why not?" he asks. "Because we worked really hard on those and got an A so we are the only ones who get to eat it." she says. "We?" he asks. "Yeah Alexis and I." she says gesturing to me. Alexander turns around and his eyes grow bigger. He quickly swallows the food in this mouth. "Hi, I'm Alexander." he says to me and reaches him and out. "Hey I'm Alexis." I say back. "Nat how can someone as ugly as you be friends with such a beautiful girl like her?" he asks laughing. "Ok first Shut up! And second Ewwwww! I hope you know you can't date my friend, shes 18 and your 20!" she says. "First of all your still ugly. Second, if i did want to date her age doesn't matter." he says looking into my eyes. I laugh a little bit but they don't notice. "Whatever. Hey Alexis do you want to sleep over?" she asks. "Sure!" I say. "K great! Let's drive back and get your bags." she says. "Ok!" I respond. "Can I come?" Alex asks. "No!" we both scream at the same time. "Meanies!" he says like a little kid and pouts. We both laugh and leave.

We drive to my house and I get a bag. I put a baiting suit on under my clothes because we ate going to go swimming later. I get my bag and hop back in the car and drive back to her house.

We get there and Natalie says she is going upstairs to clean real quick them get changed into her bathing suit. She tells me that I can go in the pool so I do.

The water feels so nice. I walk deeper and deeper and then I float on my back.

"Cannon ball!" I hear Alex scream, and before I can move I get splashed. I stop floating on my back and look around for Alex. He comes up right in front of my face. "Hey!" he says. "Uh hi." I say to him. "What's up?" he asks. "Hmmm let me see.... I was floating on my back when some idiot jumped in and almost made me drowned." I say. "Do you need mouth to mouth?" he asks. I don't say anything, I just swim away. "You know tons of girls would love that!" he yells after me and grabbing my arm and pulling me close to me. "Well I'm not one of those girls." I say. "Why?" he asks. "Because your just like all the others. Just one of those celebrities who can do whatever the want because they are rich and famous." I say. "You don't even know me." he says. "I know enough." I say swimming away but again he grabs my arm pulling me close. "So you don't even think I'm cute?" he asks in a baby voice. "No, you are very attractive but" he interrupts me by doing something unexpected.

Alexander Ludwig ImagineKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat