Chapter 28

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We get back ti my parents house and I immediately go to the bedroom. "Hun, do you want anything to eat?!" he yells from the kitchen. "Yes please!" I yell back.

Alexander comes in minutes later with a huge pot of macaroni and cheese and two spoons. "Yum! Just what I was in the mood for!" I say. He smiles and plops down on the bed. "Where Allie?" he asks. "In her crib." I say pointing to the corner of the room. "She's so quiet." he says. "That's because she's sleeping." I say. "Oh." he says. We turn on the tv to the gossip channel and we don't see anything about us. "Wow, that's weird." he says. "They probably don't know we are here." I say. "It's been really nice not having them follow us around." he says. "Defiantly." I say.

We eat all of the macaroni out of the pot and then I go and get Allie. I get her in my arms and sit up on the bed with her. "I hope Richard is ok." I say. "Wow, I'm sure Allie is feeling the love." Alexander says. "I know I'm sorry, I just can't stop worrying." "Well you shouldn't be, because everything is going to be fine, and we have one of our beautiful babies right here with us." he says, taking Allie from my arms. "Now take a nap." he says. "After I feed her I will." I say. "No, you take a nap and I'll feed her." he says. "Alexander, you can't feed her." I say. "Oh, ya." he says. "You can feed her." he says giving her to me. "Thank you." I say as in walking out of the bedroom door to the living room.

I finish feeding her then I set her in her crib and fall asleep while Alexander is at the store.

While I'm asleep I don't have a good dream thought, I have a nightmare. It's about Allie and Richard, someone broke in the house and when I tried to stop them they shot Allie. "Oh and by the way, I wouldn't worry about your other one, we already got him." the man in the black suit says then walks away.

I wake up with a jump. I am sweating a lot and I don't hear the baby. I jump up and go right to the crib..... But I don't see Allie. Oh no, my worst dream is coming true. I think to myself. I go out to the living room and find Joe holding Allie and rocking her back and forth. "Oh my gosh Joe! Next time tell me before you take her!" I yell. "I'm sorry, she was crying so I got her and calmed her down, I didn't want to disturb you." he says. "Thanks." I say giving him a side hug. "No problem sis." he says back.

I hear the phone ring. "I'll get it." I say walking over to the kitchen. "Hello?" I say when I answer. "Hi, is this Alexis Stone?" the man asks. "Yes." I respond. And I can't believe the words I hear next...... "Alexander is in jail and he wanted us to call you."

Alexander Ludwig Imagineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें