My Akexander Imagine

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I eat all the food on my plate because I'm so hungry. I get up and take the twins in the living room to fees them. "Hey babe." Alexander says walking in after I'm done. "Hi." I say with a smile. He sits down next to me and takes Allie while I have Richard. "Their so good." he says. "Just wait till they need changed or fed again, then they'll be screaming and crying." I say. "Hey, do your parents know we left?" he asks. "No, but oh well, they'll find out sooner or later." I say. "So, what do you want to do today?" he asks. "I just want ti stay home with the kids and you." I say. "Ok, I'll be right back." he says kissing my cheek, grabbing his coat, and walking towards the door. "Wait! Where are you going?" I ask. "The store." he says. "Can I come?" I ask."No, you need ti rest." he says. "Please?" I beg. "Alexis, you need your rest, I don't want the paparazzi getting to you right now and I really don't want the twins anywhere near that." he says. "Ok, fine." I say. "Bye love you guys!" he says. "Love you too."

"Shhhhhh! Ssshhh!" I say holding Allie and rocking her back and forth. "It's ok baby girl. I wonder what's taking Alexander so long, he always calms you down." I say. Just then Alexander walks trough the door. "Honey I'm home!" he says with his arms open. "Awe! What's wrong baby Allie?" he says taking her from me. "It's ok sweetie, settle down. Shhhhhh!" he says. He gives her a kiss on the forehead and she has already stopped crying. "How do you do that?" I ask him while he is setting her down in her crib. "It's a gift." he says with a smirk.

"So, what did you get at the store?" I ask him. "I got chips, crackers, poptarts, peanut butter, cereal and chocolate!" he says. "Why?" I ask. "Because, of we are going to spend the whole day at home I don't want to go out and get stuff." he says. We snuggle up on the couch and watch a marathon of My Wife and Kids. He holds me tightly against him. I am just about to fall asleep when I hear Allie start to cry. "Urg!" I groan. "It's ok babe, I got her." he says getting up. He brings her back in his arms and gives me Richard who is now awake. "Hey Richie!" I say holding him up. "Your such a good baby!" I say kissing his cheek. Alexander takes his phone out once Allie is asleep. He takes a picture of me, Richard, and Allie. I get a notification and it's Alexander's tweet. "My little Angels." is the caption he wrote below the picture. "Your little angels?" I say looking at him. "Yup!" he says giving me. Quick kiss.

Alexander Ludwig ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now