My Alexander Imagine

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We get to the hospital and I fill out a few papers and get Richard. The doctor tells me that he has to be fed more then a regular baby and then we leave. We get in the car and drive back to my parents house. When we get there I completely ignore Alexander. "Come on Alexis, just let me explain!" he shouts. "Come in Alexis, just give him a chance." Joe says. "Fine." I say. "Ok, well when I went out to the store there were tons of paparazzi. They we calling you a slut and saying other bad things about you, I couldn't take it so it got a little out of hand and I punched a few of them, and when they wouldn't stop I nocked two of the out." he says. "So you were just defending me?" I ask. "Yes." he says. "Alexander, I'm so sorry." I say while handing the twins ti Joe and hugging Alexander. "It's ok hun, but I think we should be getting home." he says. "Exactly what I was thinking." I say. "Can you guys please take me with you?" Joe says butting in. "Sure." Alexander says. "We leave tomorrow, so pack up."

We go to our room and he packs everything while I feed the twins. Richard starts crying and I can't get him to stop. "Here, let me try." Alexander says holding his arms out. I place Richard in his arms and he rocks him. He immediately stops crying. "Wow, he's a daddies boy." I say. Alexander laughs then sits next to me on the bed with Richard in his arms while I have Allie. "Is there room already set up?" I ask. "Yup." he says. "And I'm getting us a private jet again to go home in." he says. "Why?"

"Well I don't want any attention, I want you and the twins to be safe, and I don't want to put people through a whole plane ride with Joe." he says with a smile. "True." I say. "Ok, everything is packed, now get some rest." Alexander says taking Allie from me.

We get on the jet and time flies by and pretty soon we are back home again.

Joe take a separate car home while Alexander and I hop in a limo with the kids to ride home. "Richard slept through the whole flight but Allie was constantly crying and in my arms. We get home and Alexander drags all the luggage in. I put the twins in the nursery and go take a nap.

When I wake up I smell something cooking and I walk down stairs to see stacks of pancakes and plates of bacon and sausage. I see the twins in there little cribs by the kitchen table.

Alexander Ludwig ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now