Chapter 14

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(Told by Natalie)

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yell at Alexander when I get in the house. "What do you mean Nat?" he asks. "I mean you making out with some girl on your lap!" I shout. "Oh, that." he says. "Ya. Why would you do that Alex? You know how she feels about you and I know you love her. Alexis is a great girl Alex, and now your cheating on her with some slut!" I yell. "No, I'm not!" he yells. "Really Alexander because last time I checked kissing another girl while your dating someone is cheating." I say. "Natalie, I wasn't cheating on Alexis, I was protecting her!" he he yells back. "So protecting her is hurting her?" I say getting angrier by the second. "That girl that was here is my new costar in the movie I'm in. She really likes me and when I told her I didn't like her and was already dating someone else she got really mad. She said if I don't want anything bad to happen to Alexis then I would have to kiss her in front of Alexis and dump her. Believe me, I didn't want to and I protested but there was no changing her mind.

I did it to protect her." he says. "Really?" I ask, my voice getting lower. "Yes." he says looking down. "Alexander I'm so sorry." I say going over to the couch an hugging him. "It's ok Nat, I just wish there was some way I could still be with Alexis and make Kaitlyn (The costars name) disappear." he says. "Don't worry I'll make sure you guys get back together, I'm not going to let this happen, I've never seen you this happy in years, and I'm not gonna let that happiness be taken away from you." I say. "Natalie?" he asks. "Ya?" I ask. "Thank you." he says back. "No problem. I know we fight, but I'll always be there for you, I'll always fight on your side." I say. "Same here, luv ya Nat." he says hugging me again. "Luv ya too bro." I say hugging back.

(Back to Alexis)

I stay on the couch crying my eyes out. I hear a knock on the door but I dont get it. I hear the door open. "What's wrong Alexis?" Joe asks. He sits next to me on the couch and I sit up. "Alexander." is all I say before I start crying again. He wraps me in his arms and whispers in my ear. "It's ok. It's ok, your going to be ok." he says stoking my hair. "Joe, he cheated on me." I say. "What?!" he practically screams. "I caught him kissing another girl. And when she was calling me names and insulting me he didn't do anything but say we're done." I say. He gets up. "Where are you going?" I ask. "To take care of Alex." he says. "Joe, don't hurt him." I say. "Hurting Him is the least I'm gonna do to him." he says and slams the door hard.

A few minutes later I get up and get changed. I throw on a bikini and a pair of jean shorts and grab a bag with a towel, brush, and sun tan lotion. I walk down to the beach. I find a place on the sand and set my towel down. I call my parents and Anne and tell them dinner is canceled for tonight and ask if we can get together next week and they agree. After laying in the sun for a while I go in the water. It feels so nice after laying in the sun. I stand waist deep until I feel arms wrap around me from behind. "Get away." I say. "Hey, is that anyway to talk to your best friend since kindergarden?" he says. I turn around confused. I gasp "Ahhh Danny!" I yell and jump into his arms. "What are you doing in California?" I ask. "Well after you moved my parents got a divorce and I moved with my dad here! I've lived here for 2 years but I never knew this o's where you moved!" he says. "That's great! But I'm so sorry about your parents." I say. "Ahhh its fine, I'm actually driving out to see my mom in two days." he says. "Awe, I miss your parents so much." I say. "Well come on! Let's go see my dad." he says and throws me over his shoulder. "Ahhh, Danny put me down!" I yell laughing. He runs to where my bag and towel are and picks them up. He runs to his house with me still in his arms and us both laughing like crazy. It feels so good to laugh after what I saw Alex doing. It feels good to have someone now. We get to his house and he puts me down in front off the door.

(Told by Alex)

I leave the house and go looking for Alexis. I don't care, what Kaitlyn says I have to be with Alexis and I feel horrible about what I did to her. I run to her house but don't see her. I run to the beach and I see her in the water. I'm about to go run up to her when I see some guy wrap his arms around her. He says something then she turns around and jumps into his arms. They hug forever and I can see he is holding on tight. He sets her down and they talk for a while then e throws her over his shoulder and runs up the beach with her. He grabs her bag and runs off the beach laughing with her. This gets me mad. Has she already moved on? I know if I ask her she will probably say that he's just a friend, but the way they looked at each other and the way he held her says that they like each other. I get really angry and go the parking lot. I'm so mad I punch a car window and it breaks. At first I start to walk away then I feel bad and put a 100 dollar bill on the front seat. And keep walking home.

Alexander Ludwig ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now