Chapter 25

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"Hey Alexis, we should leave today." he says. "Ok, but why?" I ask. "I don't know, just so we can be home. Oh and that reminds me, Would you like to move in with me?" he asks while grabbing my hands. "Doesn't Natalie still live with you?" I ask. "Nope, I moved out." I hear a voice say from behind him. I look behind him and see Natalie. "Natalie!" I scream and hug her. "Omg I missed you so much!" I practically scream. "I missed you too!" she says. "Ok sis, can you let go of my fiancé?" Alexander says. "What?!" Natalie screams even louder. I don't say anything, I just hold up my hand showing her the ring. "Ewwww! Your gonna marry my brother?" she asks. "Hey!" Alexander says offended. "I'm just kidding, I'm really happy for you guys." she says hugging him. "Ok well I'll go get packed so we can go." I say. "Wait, you still havent given me a answer." he says. "Yes." I say and turn back around.

Alexander pays some people to move stuff from my house to his because he doesn't want me lifting anything. We sit on the couch, I sit on his lap and he cradles me in his arms. We watch whatever is on tv. After about an hour we decide to go out shooing for groceries. I just put on some athletic shorts and a tank top with a cut off shirt. We get in the car and start driving. On the way there we don't say a word. We just sit there holding hands and listening to the radio. When we finally get there Alexander hands me a big hoodie and he puts a hat and sunglasses on. We walk in and I grab a cart. Alexander lifts me up and puts me in the cart. "What are you doing?" I ask. "What, I don't want you to have to walk." he says. "Ok, just go." I say pulling out the lists. "Ok let's go to the ice cream isle." I say. "We just bought ice cream yesterday." he says. "Ya, I ate it." I say. He laughs a little and begins to push the cart. We get to the ice cream isle and I tell him what ones to get. By the time we are done we have 7 cartons of ice cream. "To the bread isle!" I say pointing towards the bread. Alexander speeds off, not pushing the cart. "Alexander!" I yell. "Oh sorry, I thought we were racing." he says. "Ya, cause I just love running around a store wearing a sweatshirt that is past my knees while I'm pregnant." I say. "Well." he says. "Sorry. Just please push the cart." I say. "Ok babe." he says and kisses my nose. We get bread, juice, pancake mix, milk, yogurt, meat, and a cake. When we go to the egg isle to get eggs Alexander picks up a carton and opens it to make sure none of the eggs are cracked. While he is doing that I slowly inch my way toward him then pinch his side. He screams then drops the carton. I start laughing like crazy but then I notice the eggs. They are all cracked on the floor. "Go go go!" I say reaching my arms out grabbing another carton while Alexander speeds to the checkout.

We get to the check out and are still laughing. Alexander puts everything up on the conveyer belt then picks me up in his arms. I think he is going to carry me to the car but he places me on the conveyer belt. The cashier looks at us weird. "Alexander get me down!" I say. He starts laughing and comes over to me. I just stare at him. "What?" he asks. "Seriously?" I ask. "Fine I'll get you down. He picks me up but then tries to scan me. I laugh. "It's not telling us how much I cost." I say. "I know, because you priceless." he says. I smile at him and give him a quick kiss. "Ok let's go, I want to go home." I say. "Ok." he says grabbing the bags and putting me on his back.

We get back home and he gets all the groceries and I go inside. We get in and everything is already moved in. I jump on the couch and turn on the tv. I turn on the gossip channel and I see Alexander and I. It's me in the cart and him running while pushing the cart. He comes in and plops next to me putting his arm around me. He sees the picture and starts to laugh. "Awe, your so cute!" he says. "No, I looked like crap." I say. "I'm just happy my stomach hasn't gotten big yet, or else that would be out and I didn't even tell my parents yet. "Hey Alexander." I say. "Ya?" he answers. "We really have to tell my parents." I say. "Ok, we can go in like an hour." he says. "Alexander, they live in Texas." I say. "I know. Come on, come pack." he says. I get up and walk upstairs. I walk into the bedroom and see Alexander dragging out 2 suitcases. He sets them in the bed and we start packing and we quickly get done. I call my mom and tell her we are coming but I don't tell her about Alexander or anything yet. We get in the car and drive to the airport.

Alexander Ludwig ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now