Chapter 16

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We go in for dessert and we all sit by the fire eating. "So, long have you guys been together?" his mom asks. "1 Month tomorrow." Alexander says. Oh my gosh, I totally forgot that tomorrow is out 1 month aniversary. "Um, I have to go." I say getting up and giving Alexander a kiss on the cheek. "Wait, please stay." he says. "Sorry, I have to go." I say getting up and giving Alexander a kiss on the cheek. "Wait, please stay." he says. "Sorry, I have to go." I say and give him a kiss then go out the door.

I get home quick and call Nick. "Hey Nick, can you come over now?" I ask. "Sure, why?" he asks. "Because I need your help, and don't let Alex know what your doing." I say. "Ok Alexis, I'll be over in few." he says then hangs up. I get changed into a white lace top with a teal blue top on under it and a pair of jean caprees. I put on some eye liner and some mascara. I hear a knock on the door and go down stairs to get it. "Hey Nick!" I say and hug him when I open the door. "Hey, so why did you want me to come over?" he asks. "I need your help. I forgot that our 1 month anniversary is tomorrow and I need to get him a gift." I say. "Oh ok." he says. "Will you help me?" I ask. "Of course Alexis, let's go." he says. I follow him out to his car.

We get to the mall and we go to almost every store. A few people notice us and take pictures. We go into abrocrombie and Fitch because Nick said its Alexanders favorite store. He Nick tells my Alexanders size and we go looking.

I find a pair of gray sweat shorts and I pick out a navy blue top to match it. I ask Nick if he would like it and he says yes. I also get him a plaid button down shirt. We go up to pay for it and I see a bottle of colone and it's $10. I spray it and it smells so good. I ask nick of Alex would like it and he says that he used to have one just like that but they stopped making it. I get that and we are next. I put the clothes and calone up. After he scans everything the total comes to $123 dollars. "Oh um, here." I say handing him my credit card. "It's ok Alexis, I got it." he says and takes his wallet out. "No, it's my gift for him. I can't let you pay." I say. "Then let me pay half." he says handing him half the money. "Fine." I say handing his the rest. We get out of the store and we are really hungry so we decide to go get something to eat. We drive to Sarah's diner. When we get there we read the sign that says they close at 11:00 pm. "We just missed it." I say. "It's ok, we'll go somewhere else." Nick says. "Ok." I say.

A few minutes later we pull up to the burger place that Alexander and I went to on our first date. We both order and I get a double cheese burger, fries, and a chocolate milk shake. Nick gets a double bacon cheese burger and a diet coke. We sit down and we are the only ones so it's pretty quiet. Nick is hilarious as has an amazing personality just like Alexander.

When we finish eating we walk out together. He drives me back to my house and walks me to the door. "Thank you so much for helping me Nick, I had fun." I say. "No problem, and I had fun too." he says. I give him a long hug and then a kiss on the cheek. "See ya!" I say. "Bye Lexis." he says walking back.

I get in my house and I see Joe. "Um hey, what are you doing here?" I ask. "Just hanging out." he says. "Can't you hang out at your house?" I ask. "Yeah, but I miss my little sis." he says. "Ya right, your just here to watch football cause your to cheap to pay for it yourself." I say. "Ok, that too." he says. I sit on the couch with him and lay my head on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" he asks. "Nothing, just a long day." I say. "Ok." he says. "So how are you and Alexander doing?" he asks. "Good, you know Joe he is a really great guy, he would never hurt me." I say. "I know, but since mom and dad live in Texas still it's my job to look after you and I will always be over protective of you." he says. "I know, but that just means your a great brother." I say and hug him. "Love you." I say. "Love you too." he says.

I wake up to someone kissing me. I open my eyes and see Alexander. "Hey!" I say. "Hey, happy 1 month anniversary." he says still kissing me. I laugh "So what do you want to do today?" I ask. "Actually my family is going camping and I was wondering if you wanted to come." he says. "I would but your mom hates me, and your whole family?" I ask. "Ya, but they will love you. And as for my mom who cares if she likes you or not. Your already super close with my dad and e loves you, and so do I." he says. "I love you too." I say. "So is that a yes?" he asks. "Yes." I say. "Ok, let's get you packed." he says. "How long are we going?" I ask. "A few days." he says. "Ok." I say. I throw tons of clothes at him and he folds them and puts them in my duffle bag. I throw him a few pairs of sweatpants, some sweatpants caprees, jeans, shorts, a few old shirts and a few good shirts. I grad a sweatshirt and throw another one in the bag. He tells me to get a bathing suit so I grab my hot pink one, and blue and orange one. I get a pillow and two blankets because it gets really cold at night. I slip on flips flops and grab a pair of old sneakers. "All ready!" I say. "Ok, let's go!" he says. "Let me just got say goodbye to Joe." I say. "Ok." he says and heads out to the car with my bag. "Joe, I'm going on a camping trip with Alexander and his family." I say. "Ok, but call me daily and no funny business you two." he says. "I know. Bye Joe, see you in a few days!" I say and grab my iPhone, charger, and his present, and head out to the truck.

Alexander Ludwig ImagineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang