Todoroki x reader

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Your POV

I am going to Todoroki's house, whether he likes it or not. He doesn't want me to come because he doesn't want me to meet his father, oh well. I knocked on the door and stepped back to wait. An older looking girl opened the door. "Hello I'm Todoroki Fuyumi." She said as she bowed. "Oh umm I'm (f/-." She cut me off. "Oh I know, Shoto talks about you a lot. Sorry for interrupting." She said as she bowed again. "Oh no it's fine love. Umm is Todoroki here?" I asked quietly. "Oh yes he's in his room, come in, I'll show you." I walked into the door and took off my shoes. I followed Fuyumi through the house and she stopped at a door. "Your house is very Japanese. I love it so much!" I whisper squealed the last part. "Oh thank you." Fuyumi said politely, she slid open the door to show Todoroki standing right in front of it. "Who are you ta-. What are you doing here?!" Todoroki whisper yelled. Todo poked his head out and looked both sides then he quickly pulled me inside and closed the door. "I told you not to come here." Todo said as he hugged me. "But I wanted to see you." I said as I hugged him back. "Also my parents kicked me out for the night." I continued. "So if it's ok, I wanna spend the night here." Todo sighed and shook his head yes. "Yeah it's fine. You can put your stuff down if you'd like." He said as he pulled away from me and sat on the bed. "Soooo what you wanna do?" I asked as I sat next to him.

It's time for dinner and now I'm scared. I know all about Endeavor and todos family. Fuyumi called us out and we all sat down at the table. "Who is that?" Endeavor asked without looking up. "She's just a friend of mine. Her name is (f/n)." Todo responded. I looked at him slightly upset that he said I was just a friend. Todo looked at me scared of what I will say. 'Well if I'm shoto's girlfriend Endeavor is gonna have to know, like it or not.' I thought. I took in a breath and todo gently kicked my leg. "Don't." He whispered. This didn't go unnoticed by his dad and Endeavor looked up. "Don't stop her from speaking." He snapped at Todo. "I am not Just a friend to Todo, I am his girlfriend and we have been together for two months." I said, looking Endeavor in the eyes. He glared at me, waiting for a sign of weakness, he wants me to back down. Endeavors eyes flickered away and he growled. I won. "What's your quirk?" He asked rudely. "Why don't I show you." I growled back. "Please stop." Todo said quietly. "Nope." I said as I put my hand on the table. My eyes glowed a brilliant electric blue and the wood on the table shot up and sharp edges were aimed at Endeavor neck. "I have the ability to control anything and anyone I touch." I put the table back the way it was and my eyes turned back to (e/c). "And when I'm done, I can put everything back the way it was. You would never know I was there." I said through gritted teeth. Endeavor looked shocked and moved his eyes between me and the table. "Ok. I believe I should retire for the night." He said as he cautiously stood up and walked off. "I'm dead." Todo said and he laughed at the end. His siblings laughed and soon I joined in.

Everyone was in bed and Todo was in the restroom getting changed, I was changing in his room. There was a knock at the door. "Can I come in?" Todo asked. "Yeh." I responded as I sat on his bed. He was wearing an oversized black t shirt and sweatpants. I was wearing a (f/c) tank top and a pair oh black shorts. Todo walked over to the bed and laid down so his head was on my lap. I played with his hair, I heard him hum as he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sleepy." Todo said. I smiled. We both laid down next to each other, Todo was facing me and he wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. "Good night Todo." I whispered. "Night love." Todo said and he pecked my cheek.

Hello my lovelies! It's been a while since I wrote a Todoroki x reader. I hope you like it. I really like the readers quirk in this one, I might use it more. Don't froget you can request.Okie I'm done byeeee💕💕

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