Todoroki x reader

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Todoroki's POV

"We are getting a new student today." Aizawa's tired voice spoke over the whispers in class. "And the rest of class you are all studying. You can talk but be quiet I'm sleeping." He said as he got in his sleeping bag and sat on the ground. The door opened and Nezu walked in with a girl following closely behind. "Hello students. This is (y/n), please be nice." He said as he looked Bakugo in the eyes. "You may sit next to Midoriya." Nezu said and in response Midoriya waved his hand. I looked at (y/n). She had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, but the most prominent feature on her face was a big scar that ran from the top of her head and continued down to her chin on the right side of her face. The scar didn't look like a cut nor did it look like charred or burnt skin. 'Where did she get that from?' I mentally asked myself. As she was walking to her seat we made eye contact. Her eyes widen and she looked down, hiding her face from view. "Hello." She quietly said to Midoriya, who happily replied back.

It was lunch time and I seen her sitting alone at a table far from people. I walked over and set my tray down, she looked up and back down at her food. "Hello." She said quietly. "Hi." I said in return. Then a chair was pulled up and Midoriya sat next to her. "Hello (y/n) and Todoroki." He said with a smile. "(Y/n) if you don't mind me asking what's your quirk?" He asked as he held his notebook in one hand and a pencil in the other. She pulled up the long sleeve of her blazer to reveal tattoos. "I can manipulate the colors on my body." She said as the blue from one of the tattoos came out of her arm and turned into a knife in her hand. "Depending on the color I can make different things." She said as she pulled red out of her arm and made a red cloud around her head. "What does that cloud do?" Midoriya asked with a shine in his eyes. "If you breath it in it puts you in a dazed mindset for a couple of minutes and you can't do anything." She responded as the cloud and knife went back into the tattoos on her arm. "U-umm where did you get your scar?" Midoriya asked in a slightly quieter voice. (Y/n) didn't respond immediately and that put Midoriya in a small panic. "You don't have to answer I-if it's to personal." He yelled out quickly. "No it's fine. You're fine. It's kinda stupid really. I was swimming in my pool and my little brother grabbed the hose. I lived in (a really hot place) so the remaining water in the hose was really hot and my brother aimed it at me and shot boiling water at me and it was so hot is melted some of my skin so I had to go to the hospital." She said while looking at her food. "Ouch." Both Midoriya and I both said at the same time. "Yeah it's kinda embarrassing so I don't talk about it much." She said with a small smile.

After lunch we changed into our hero suits and went to the gym to train our quirks. As I walked in I seen (y/n) in her suit. It was a (f/c) tight fitted tank top with a small matching skirt. There were many different colorful tattoos on her body. Some were bright and colorful others not so much. I walked over to her and waved. "Hello. I like your hero suit it's nice." She said with a smile. "T-thank you." I stuttered. Thankfully she didn't notice it. Training began, we were sparring with someone with an similar quirk so we could work on our quirks better. (Y/n) was fighting Momo, All Might has the rest of the class watch so we could help give positive feedback on their fighting skills. While watching the fight I noticed that (y/n) was a very strategic and sneaky way of fighting. She didn't go head first into an attack, instead she slowly made attacks without Momo knowing where she was.
(Y/n) won the fight by getting Momo on the ground with a knife to her through and cuffed her. I was amazed.

After the fights and feed back we were heading to to locker rooms and I sped up to walk next to (y/n). "You did a good job." We both said at the same time to each other. We both laughed and said thank you at the same time. "I have a question." (Y/n) said as she looked over at me. "Yes?" I responded. "Since tomorrow is Saturday do you wanna go get lunch with me then see a movie or something?" She asked with a smile. "I-uhhh yes of course that would be nice." I said as I smiled.

Hello peoples. It's been a hot minute🙃  I hopes you like my Todoroki x reader I kinda just thought about it while listening to the same 8 songs on repeat for the past 2 days. How is your quarantine going, I hope it's not bad. Let me know if I can do anything to make it a little bit better for you.🥰 I love you guys byeeeee💕💕

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