Deku x reader Cuddles

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(Deku's POV)
I was on my way to (y/n)'s dorm for a study night. On my way I passed Mina "Hey Deku where ya going?" She asked happily, "I'm going to (y/n)'s dorm for a study night!" I replied back giving her a smile. "Oooooo you mean like a daaatteeee?" Mina said with a smirk, I felt my cheeks grow hot and started flailing my arms in an attempt to stop her from teasing. "NO NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT, WE'RE JUST STUDYING,  ITS NOT AN ACTUAL DATE!!" I panicked. "Well that's to bad you don't see it as a date, cause I know (y/n) really likes you. And besides think of it this way, you are alone in a room with her, there's no one else!" I felt my cheeks grow even more red, at this point I matched Kirishima's hair. Mina walked off satisfied with what she did and I continued on my way. Now that I think of it, it is kinda like a date, just me and (y/n) alone, just thinking about it makes my heart race! I have had a huge crush on (y/n) for a while, she is just so perfect. As I reached her door I started to feel nervous, I knocked on the door and waited for her to open it.
(Y/n) POV
As I was getting everything ready my mind started to wonder, me and Midoriya are going to be alone! Calm down (y/n) we are only going to study and besides why would he like me like that. I was taken from my thoughts by a knock on the door, I went over to open it to see Midoriya he had a cute smile and a slight blush. "Hiiiee" I said as I let him in "hi (n/n)-San" he replied sweetly. After saying hi we sat down on the bed and started studying.

Time skip
We have been studying for two hours now, I looked over at Deku to see him reading his math book rather intensely. I scooted closer and leaned my head on his shoulder, Midoriya looked at me and blushed "I think that's enough for today ya?" I asked "u-um yeah" I looked at his flustered state and decided there is no better time then now so Plus Ultra I guess. "Hey Deku I've um liked you for a while and was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime?" I asked rather calmly, "I-I umm y-yes of course!" He blurred out quickly "yayyyy" was all I said as I wrapped my arms around him and dragged him down on the bed so he was laying on me while I gently played with his hair. "W-what are y-you doing?!" He asked slightly panicked "Getting cuddles from my boyfriend and playing with his hair." I said and I smiled at him. I looked down and Midoriya had his eyes closed with a relaxed smile and a cute little blush on his face. "Dekuuuuu" he looked up at me to let me know he was listening "I love youuuuuu." I said, as his cheeks turned red and he scoot up so he could hide his face in my neck. "I l-love you too." He replied with a smile I then kissed him in the head and continued to play with his hair until he fell asleep and I soon followed.

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