Shigaraki x reader

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This is a father daughter relationship thing.

Your POV

I am the daughter of Shigaraki Tamoura. I have the same light blue wavy hair and I have light (e/c) eyes. My dad is gentle and very VERY cautious with his quirk around me. He has never hurt me, he has never touched me either. When he hugs me, he always holds his hands up away from my back so his hand doesn't touch me at all. And he always tells me to stay away from him so he doesn't accidentally hurt me. "I'm going to the mall, wanna come?" I looked up at my dad and shook my head yes.
When we made it to the mall he gave me some money and he kissed my forehead then went his separate way.

As I was shopping I accidentally ran into a red headed boy. "Oh I'm so sorry!" I panicked. "It's ok no need to panic. I'm Kirishima Eijiro." The boy said politely. "Oh. Uhh I'm (y/n)." I said as I bowed slightly. "My friends kinda ditched me, and you seem lonely here. Do you wanna shop with me?" Kirishima asked with a smile. "Uhh Yeah of course. Y-you don't mind if we go over there first do you?" I asked as I pointed to a tailor shop thing. "Oh no I don't mind." He said as he started to lead the way. "If you dont mind me asking, what do you need here?" He asked over his shoulder. "Oh I'm getting a gift for someone special to me." I replied.
We went in and I put in my request and they said it would be ready in half an hour. We walked out and a group of people walked towards us. "Hey Kiri There you are. Who's that?" A blonde boy asked. "Oh this is (y/n), that's Kaminari." Kirishima introduced us and I waved as Kaminari smiled. "That's Bakugo." He pointed to an annoyed looking blonde. "Mina." He pointed to a pink girl. "And that's Sero." He pointed to a black haired boy with weird elbows. "Hello." I said and I waved at everyone.
We walked around aimlessly for a bit, without realizing we walked in a big circle. "Oh I have to get the gloves." I said as I quickly ran into the tailor. They handed me a small yellow bag with the gloves in it. "Thank you." I said and I bowed and paid.
I walked out and the others were waiting for me. There was a green haired boy with a brunette and they both looked very scared. "Attention Everyone There is a dangerous villain here. Please be on the look out for a man in a black hoodie and black pants with red shoes." The announcement said. I felt my smile drop when I heard it, I know who they're talking about. I felt an arm around my shoulder, I looked up to see my dad. "Get the hell away from her!" The green haired boy said as he pulled me away. Kirishima pulled me behind him. "Get your filthy hero loving hands off my daughter you little freak." Shigaraki growled through his teeth. He started to reach for Kirishima's face, he touched him with four fingers and was about to put the fifth finger down. I slapped his hand away from Kirishima. "Don't you dare hurt him!" I yelled. Shigaraki looked taken back from my outburst and he slowly let his hand fall to his side. "You hurt him didn't you. The green haired boy, that's why he reacted like that. You promised you wouldn't hurt anybody." I said as tears started to blur my vision. "My god you can't even keep a simple promise." I said as I shoved the bag in his chest and I started running.
I ran back to the hideout, Kurogiri looked concerned and so did Toga. "Are you ok sweetheart?" Kurogiri asked in his usual sweet and calm voice. "I'm fine." I said as I ran upstairs to my room.
Shigaraki's POV

She ran off with tears in her eyes. She overreacts for everything. The students backed away from me as I reached into the bag. 'Gloves?' I thought as I held them up. They were gloves that only had two finger holes then there was a strap that ran down the back that clipped together at the wrist. I put the glove back into the bag and quickly ran out of the mall. I pulled out my phone and text Kurogiri. 'Come pick me up. I'm right in front of the mall.' I sent the message and seconds later a purple mist came into my sight. "What did you do to her?" Kurogiri asked as I stepped into the portal to the hideout. "I broke a promise and she overreacted." I said as I continued walking. "What promise?" Kurogiri pressed farther. "I promised I wouldn't hurt anyone and she found out that I attacked Midoriya then she slapped my hand away when I tried to hurt that Kirishima kid." I said as I sat on a stool. "Well, did she have a reason to react the way she did?" Kurogiri asked as he stepped behind the bar. "No she di-" I was cut off. "Yes I did." (Y/n) stepped in with an angered look on her face. "You promised me you wouldn't hurt anyone, but you went ahead and hurt that boy who never did anything to you. And when you came over to me, you were going to kill Kirishima." I looked at her with a straight face. "Oh boohoo you're not gonna die." I said as I looked away. "THEY WERE MY FRIENDS!" She yelled. I snapped my head up to look at her. "Friends?!" I asked. I'm mad now. "I MET KIRISHIMA AFTER YOU LEFT THEN I MET THE OTHERS! THEY DIDNT KNOW IF YOU WERE GOING TO HURT ME OR NOT AND THEY WERE JUST PROTECTING ME AND YOU TRIED TO KILL KIRI YOU SELFISH, OVERPROTECTIVE PRICK!" She screamed at me. I didn't respond because I didn't know how to. "Maybe I should've just gotten some mangas or something." I heard (y/n) mumble under her breath. I looked up at her with a hurt expression. I know what she's referring to. 'Does she regret getting me the gloves?' I thought to myself. "Don't beat yourself up for it. She'll come around." Kurogiri said and he handed me a glass of alcohol.
I put on the gloves and walked to (y/n)'s room. I walked in and sat on her bed. "I'm sorry." I said as I cautiously put my hand on her shoulder. She didn't respond. "Oh come on at least look at me. . . Please?" I said and she didn't move. "I know I hurt them and broke a promise but why won't you even look at me?" I asked and that's what made her talk. "Because now they know I'm related to you." She mumbled. "What's wrong with that?" I asked. "You're a villain, and my dad. Now they see me as a villain and they won't want to be friends with me, like everyone else. I make a friend and I'm happy but then you come over and they find out you're my dad then they hate me and run away. It happens every time." She said quietly. "Oh." Was all I said.
I stood up and left the room. 'Is she ashamed of being my daughter? Does she hate me? Do I really ruin everything for her? If I do then why did she get me the gloves, she could've spent her money on anything else.' I thought as I walked down to the bar. "What did she say?" Kurogiri asked. Everyone was down here and they all stopped too hear what I was going to say. "She said she is still upset because every time she makes friends I ruin it for her." I said as I put my head down on the bar. "And I feel so bad. I never realized that I ruined everything. She is so upset that I ruined it this time. If I ruin it all then why did she get me the gloves? And why does she put up with me. She is probably ashamed to be my daughter." I finished my rant. "Well she got you the gloves because she cares about you, and she loves you obviously, that will never change. Of course she is going to be upset, but I wouldn't go as far as saying she is ashamed of being related to you. Though she can't interact with others like normal, she still loves it here. She loves you and she loves all of us. Like I said she will come around, she always does." Kurogiri finished talking and I slowly got up and went to my room. 'What if I just put her up for adoption? She could live a normal life then. She can make friends without a care in the world and I wouldn't be holding her back.' I thought as I went to sleep.

Okie I finished! I hope you guys liked it. I you want a part two let me know. And don't forget you can request anything. Love you guys |°3°|

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