Kaminari x reader. Flag school

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Your POV

I was walking to the park with my flag riffle and sword, I was going to practice my thing.
I made it to the park and seen three boys, a red head, a blondie with a black strip and a boy with black hair. They were sitting on a bench talking with each other. I ignored them and put my stuff down at a different table. Me being the polite person I am, I walked over to them and tapped the blonde boy on the shoulder. "Uhh do you guys mind if I play music out loud?"I asked quietly. "No, uhh yeah go ahead." The blonde said as he looked over at my table. "Hey uh I was wondering, looking at the things on your table. What are you doing?" He asked politely. "Oh I'm in color guard and I need to practice my routine. We are having a competition soon, and I need to know my part." I said as I turned to him and smiled. "Can we watch?" He asked as all three boys looked in curiosity. "Yeah of course." I said as I turned around and walked to my table. I got out a small speaker and connected it to my phone and turned on the song. I quickly grabbed my flag and ran to my start and started to dance without the flag.

Kaminari's POV

She started dancing without the flag at first. I looked in confusion as I watched her. As the song got louder and faster she grabbed the flag and she started to spin it in a almost figure eight. She put the flag behind her back and all of a sudden in a very quick motion she spun it up and threw it into the air and she caught it perfectly. There were a couple other tosses in the dance and the song came to an end. He turned back and we all started clapping. "That was awesome. How long did it take you to learn to do that?"Kirishima asked. "Uh I learned the toss in one day." She said quietly. "Wait how?" Kirishima was confused. "Well come here." She grabbed Kirishima's arm and pulled him up. "My name is (y/n) by the way." She said. "I'm Kirishima." "Kaminari." "Sero." We all introduces ourselves and (y/n) smiled and handed him the flag. "Ok so I just want you to throw the flag straight up, slightly in front of your face. So like right here." She moved Kirishima's arms. "Ok throw it up high." Kirishima threw up the flag high and he caught it. "Ok do that a couple of times." (Y/n) walked over to her table and grabbed a water then sat down at ours. "What school do you guys go to?" She asked. "U.A. High." I said quickly. "Interesting. I go to (s/n)." "What flash school is that?" I asked with a smirk. (Y/n) opened her mouth then closed it and laughed. "Oh how dare you. Color guard is more then a flag, it's a lot harder. Especially with all the pressure and training." She said and she stood back up. "Ok now the motion..."

(Y/n) taught us all to toss the flag and we did it. "Ok guys I gotta go." She turned and started to walk away. "Hey Wait! Can I get your number? Maybe we can hang out some time." I said and she pulled out a sharpie. She signed my arm with her number and she kissed my cheek. "Ok bye guys." She said as she walked out of the park, leaving g me dumbfounded and still standing there.

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