Dabi x reader

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Your quirk is the ability to heal any wound and you can push away a harmful attack. You cannot heal yourself or protect yourself with your quirk, it only works on other people.

Dabi's POV

We were coming back from an attack, 'damn those kids really hurt me this time.' I thought as I walked into the hideout. (Y/N)!!" Shigaraki yelled rather loudly and obnoxiously. The stairs creaked quietly as I seen her come down the stairs. (Y/N)!" Yoga yelled happily as she ran and tackled (y/n) in a hug. "Yoga you're killing me." (Y/n) said jokingly with a small giggle. Both girls got up and (y/n) immediately ran to me with golden swirls around her body. She moved my hand away from my wound and she quickly healed my wound. "What happened this time?" She asked as she hugged me. I hugged back and responded. "That Bakugo kid hit me with a small explosion." I said as she walked over to Skigaraki. I seen handy blush as (y/n) lifted his arms and examined home to make sure he wasn't injured. "Ok." She said under her breath and she walked to Twice and healed his small cuts and she did the same for Toga. "So. Why were you the one with the worst hmmm?" She asked as she grabbed my hand and sat me down at the bar. "I want some-" she cut me off. "Water. For both of us please." She said as she looked at me with a slightly concerned look. "What?" I questioned. "You need to pay more attention, and I literally just healed your wound and you need to drink water." She said as she slid the cup of water closer to me. "Fine." I said as I downed the cup of water. (Y/n) sighed and stood up. "I'm going to the store, need anything?" She asked. "Nope." I replied and also stood up. "M'k bye." She said as she walked out the door.
Half an hour later my door burst open and (y/n) was standing there with a smile. "Hello. Will you help me with dinner please?" She asked sweetly. "Yeah sure." I responded in a monotone voice. We went to the kitchen and seen she had noodles, fish, rice and some other ingredients. "What are we making?"  I asked as I walked over to the table with the fish. "Soba and sushi." She replied as she handed me a knife. "You've made sushi before right?" She asked. "No actually I haven't, I have made soba many many times." I replied. (Y/n) took the knife from my hands and shoed me away towards the noodles.
Dinner was over and I stayed to help (y/n) clean up. She was kinda grumpy because she was cold and Shigaraki was being a prick, per usual. I took off my jacket and draped it over her shoulders. "No. I don't want you to get cold, I'm fine." She said as she took my jacket off and threw it over my shoulders. "My quirk keeps me warm, take it." I handed it back to her and she sighed. "No da-" I cut her off. "Take. It." I said sternly and she slowly pulled her arms through the holes. (Y/n) continued to work and I kept letting my eyes drift to her. She looks so cute in my jacket, I am taller so the jacket goes to her lower calf's, and she has to constantly pull up the sleeves because they are to big for her arms. I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder. "Yessss?" She asked, still working on cleaning. I grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. Without hesitation I kissed her. She kissed back and I wrapped my arms around her hips. She was the one to pull away and she smiled. "Boop." She said as she tapped my nose with one finger and she turned around to continue cleaning. "I love you to." She said while not even looking back. I smiled and hugged her from behind.

Bnha oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora