The insides of the house looked modern, small touches of color filled here and there, but the primary colors were white and black. It was beautiful, if not cold feeling, everything looked expensive like it cost my weight in cash and more. It wasn't the place I imagined Marcus living in, but I could bet his room didn't look like this. His room probably had touches of color, pictures, and light, warmth. Not a modern black and white scheme, he didn't seem like the type of person who liked that type of person who would design a house to look so . . . modern.

A door closing somewhere in the house-made me flinch, but the tense look on Marcus's face made me worry. Was their someone here that we should be wary of? Whoever it was, appeared moments later. A man in his early forties appeared from a door that had stairs leading down, which logically didn't make any sense, but the rest of the house didn't either, so why not? The smell of plants filled the air, giving the house a more home-y feel. The man paused when he saw us, his eyes glancing over us in confusion before locking on Marcus. The compassionate, loving look only confirmed that this was his father, aside from the obvious physical similarities. The tense look disappeared off his face as Marcus looked at his father.

This most definitely wasn't the person he had been worrying about. If it wasn't him, who was it? His mother? Or was their someone else that he was worried about? I don't know if he has siblings, which made me feel guilty. It isn't like that is something a stranger would know, mind-reader or otherwise.

"Mar, who are these people?" The man asked, leaning on the wall. For someone more than fifteen years, my elder, he wasn't acting like it. He seemed like a pretty chill kind of dad, but I could be mistaken. And Mar? It was a cute nickname; I'd give him that. I think I'll stick with stalker though, why should I give him a pet name when they call me 'tiny' and 'twink'? I don't think he deserves a good nickname.

'Why are there werewolves in my home?'

The moment I heard the man's thought, his head snapped over to me, startling me. His eyes were wide, looking at me like I had done something wrong. I wasn't the only one who seemed to notice his sudden interest in me, as Marcus looked confused, glancing between his father and me with confusion. Heck, even I was confused. Had he sensed me overhearing his thoughts? That was the only thing that happened that I think could have remotely caught his attention. The other witches outside hadn't reacted like this. They didn't even seem to pay us attention. Marcus hadn't reacted either when we first interacted; he didn't know I was a mind-reader until I told them.

"Who is that, Mar?" His father asked, his eyes not leaving me. Marcus seemed to hesitate before answering.

"That's Time," Marcus said quietly, looking towards Grayson for reassurance almost. Grayson held me closer, not seemingly trusting the guy. He seemed chill until he locked eyes with me and gave me a look. Gosh, what a time for my powers to ruin something. "Why?" Marcus asked, wanting an explanation for the entire reaction.

"Time, huh?" The guy said, before holding his hand out to me, a smile on his face. I was more than shocked. If he was going to be this friendly to me now, then why had he locked eyes with me so weirdly? I hesitantly returned his handshake, feeling weird after the man let go. "Nice to meet you," He said before looking at the rest of the group. "And who are the others?"

Marcus looked a little more relieved that his father had moved on, but he looked wary again, if only slightly. This time, it was directed at his father, instead of whoever he thought had been home.

"I'm Grayson," The werewolf said, making his chest vibrate slightly. It felt nice, the vibrations, which probably wasn't something I should find comfort in. Oh well, I would figure it out later, when I would be able to run away from them again, which is why we are here unless those two idiots forgot already. I glance up at Grayson. Well, one idiot, Grayson, is too sweet to be called an idiot. Calling him an idiot makes me feel bad, it feels terrible when I call Marcus it too, but by a whole lot less.

"I'm Jordan," This caught the man's attention, his gaze turned colder.

"So, you're the girl that cheated on my son?" He asked, looking defensive, protective even. Jordan looked shocked, halting slightly. She seemed to think Marcus had hidden who he was dating. They had been dating for quite a bit of time, why would Marcus hide that he had a relationship from his parents? The answer, he wouldn't. Jordan didn't seem smart enough to assume that Marcus tells people about his relationships.

"Ahhh," Jordan took a hesitant step back before Marcus sighed.

"I'm not her mate," Marcus said calmly, which seemed to appease him slightly before he looked at her somewhat angry again.

"That still doesn't excuse cheating; you should have just broken up with him if you didn't think he was your mate," The father said, turning towards the door of the basement. "I know your kind; they sense that stuff pretty early," The man started down the stairs. "Come on," He called out, making all of us follow behind the man into the basement.

Didn't anyone ever tell you not to follow a warlock into his magical lair?

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