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Act witty

Act slutty

Act tough



Hide what's going on


It's all just a mask

That we all wear

Posers is what we are

And liars

And attention whores

Each of us has our own little worlds

That we hide just to fit in with the crowd

My world you ask

Depression, anxiety, official diagnosis... borderline personality disorder

Though everyday I try and fight it back

Just so that way I can give false hope to others

I am a poser

I try so hard

Though I can't help but be the way I am

Dark, evil, and feeling so alone

It's not like it matters

Nothing does in the end

We are all going to die

All we are simply walking clocks

Each different

Each with an end

Cutting and suicide have willing victims

And I am one of them

I can't accept the future

So make the best of your fake world

It will crumble one day

And when it does reality will slap you in the face

Though you have to get up

Others have chose the way I look upon with fondness

It gave eternal slumber and peace

At least that I portray

Its what all the posers portray it to be

So fake the smile

Make the decision to be you

Or not


We all hide the scars that are left by our decisions

Poetry of the DisturbedWhere stories live. Discover now