Bring It On

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Go ahead call me fat or chubby....

I'm already fixing that....

Call me stupid or dumb...

I already know that....

Criticize me and say I'm awful at what I do....

I know I don't need to be reminded...

Say that I'm a total asshole...

Why do you hang around?

Say that I'm ugly....

I know cause I held the knife to make the scars...

Say that I'm distant and emotionless...

I showed my heart many times....though..

Call me an attention whore....

Maybe I dont deserve help...

You say I need you....

But I'm the one left alone....when I need you...

You say I need to calm down....

But you made me like this...

You say there's more to life than this...

Don't you understand this is my life....

You say this will better...

No it won't because....the damage is permanent...

Bring it all on...

Because you can't say anything that hasn't been said to me before....

Poetry of the DisturbedWhere stories live. Discover now