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I can't run from you....

You live in my head...

You tell me such awful things...

And since you come from within...

I figure I must listen to you....

Day by day...

It gets smaller and smaller...

From 4.... to 3...

To 2... to 1...

Even the sizes of the meals get smaller...

A nice meal for two....

Down to 6 fucking... chicken nuggets...

Then you get sick if you eat more...

If you disobey Aaron...

Thats what happens...

Your body cramps without the food...

Yet you throw it back up...

Whether you meant to... or not...

The pounds start falling off of you...

Your family stares at all the weight you've lost...

The managers at work even comment on it...

You know the reason why....

But you can't say a thing...

Because you are MAN....

Not a woman...

It's terrifying to sit in silence with a stomach that's a rock in your abdominals...

It screams for it's nourishment that you must provide...

But you're helpless....

All you can do...

Is hope that maybe you will look like the person you want...

Drop all the fucking fat...

Just let there be you and your beauty...

Though you can't live without....


***Author's Note****

Hey guys it has been a while since I've posted.... I know it's just a lot has happened in the past two months...  I battled depression... and gave in to the self harm again..... I know I'm off the wagon but I'm trying to fix it....

Though most of you will wonder why I said Aaron and not Ana.... for Anorexia....  The reason why is because I feel like Ana pertains to the women more....  And I have dealt with bulimia and anorexia both... So I gave Anorexia the name Aaron for males who are anorexic...  If you find yourself reading this...  and I don't care if your male or female...  Please know that I'm right there with you in this battle...   The meals that I eat are only a day and extremely small now.... Just because I think I'm fat and til I come to this conclusion both consciously and sub-consciously this will not go away...

Anyways I love you all...And keep holding that head up... Cuz if we don't fight for ourselves now...   Who will fight for our loved ones?

Poetry of the DisturbedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz