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I hate what I see in the mirror

Don't we all at some point

But it doesn't feel the best

Always pointing out thhe features you hate

Should I feel like this

Should I feel like a piece of crap

Love just tastes sour to me

Why you ask

Its because of me

My atttitude just doesn't improve

No matter how hard we try

It's just so frustrating

Look at me

I'm exhausted

I'm scared

I just don't know what to do

I'm at the point of leaving the nest

And it terrifies me

Paying the bills

God if things keep going as they are

I will have to work two jobs to keep myself afloat

Stress comes with it

My nerves won't ease

I won't sleep

What is the solution

I just don't have the answer anymore

Poetry of the DisturbedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora