My Sincerest Friend

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A blade here a blade there...

My room coated in red...

I just lay there unmoving....

Just watching my blood flow...

This is what I have wished for every night...

This is meant to be....

My death...

An early death by my own hand...

I give too much pain to stay...

Yet God knows I want to stay...

Though its for the best...

That I leave you all...

Its painful that this is the truth...

But I can't help it..

These blades have been my true friends...

They held me in the night as I cried...

They tried to correct t when I was wrong...

But in the end the truth is...

I have to die...

This way....

It has to be the answer...

It just has to be...

My heart says so...

My mind says so...

All of body says its the only way...

Poetry of the DisturbedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu