Neutral colored....

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Neutral colored...



And Grey...

It's just how I feel on the inside

Dark, cold, and yet so bright...

What is happening to me...

I've lost sight of what I am

What I hold close to my heart

I lost the sight of my pulse

I lost those who I love...

I lost myself...

Death just seems a distant dream to me now

Dancing in front of me

Taunting with it's hourglass

I watch helpless as I rot slowly...

At one point...

At one point I tried to accelerate death's grasp

At one point I believed death was my dessert...

Sweet with each bite as I taunted death

Though what I didnt realize is that death may be dessert but its bittersweet

So for now let death take its time

And I will take my time instead of taunting the reaper and his minions

Poetry of the DisturbedWhere stories live. Discover now