Please Don't

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Stop telling me that I can't do it...

I can...

Stop saying I won't...

Cause its obvious I will...

All of you ask why do I want that?

You can never understand...

What its like...

To wake up every morning disappointed...

That you're still alive...

To not want to leave your bed...

Fearing what will happen that day...

To feel like an alien in your own skin...

Because you don't belong...

To love with all your heart...

And then be called an awful distant asshole..

To become stressed and panic...

But then you're told you a acting childish...

To look at the ones you love everyday...

And know that you're debating on taking your life...

To hurt those you love...

Because you wield a blade against yourself...

To know you're different...

And have everyone say so...

To fight everyday of your life...

Just because you have lives depending on you to stay alive...

Poetry of the DisturbedWhere stories live. Discover now